Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday September 15th 2021

How uninterested is the GOP in actually governing? They really could care less about the actual work of government. By all outward appearances, they are only interested in fucking shit up and being dicks. It is really astonishing to think about. I mean I’m thinking about it in terms of this California recall, but so many stories can just be summed up with a headline like:

“Republicans Determined to Fuck Shit Up”

Prove me wrong.  I mean, Ron DeSantis is going to run for the GOP’s Presidential nomination by filling the airwaves with ads in Iowa touting the fact that he was the dick who fucked shit up like mad in Florida.

Lots of stuff in the new Woodward book. The part that grabbed me is the fact that Pence was no hero.  Dan Quayle saved American Democracy. Dan… Fucking… Quayle.

Although Dan Quayle wasn’t taken seriously when he served as George H.W. Bush’s vice president, he may have saved American democracy from Donald Trump’s election fraud.

According to “Peril,” an upcoming book by Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Trump spent his final days in office pressuring Vice President Mike Pence to disrupt the official election certification process.

Trump reportedly told Pence, “I don’t want to be your friend anymore if you don’t do this.”

Pence was apparently so torn between his loyalty to the president and his sworn oath to defend the Constitution that he sought advice from Quayle.

Pence reportedly said that’s what he repeatedly told Trump, adding, “but he really thinks he can. And there are other guys in there saying I’ve got this power.”

According to the book, Pence then repeated some of his boss’s false election fraud claims in places like Arizona.
Quayle shut him down.

Where are all the Catholics when you need them?

Coronavirus is taking a deadly toll on pregnant people and fetuses in Mississippi. Officials announced on Wednesday that the rate of stillbirths in the state has doubled since the pandemic began last year.

They really just listen to each other’s nonsense on Fox News all day.

Republicans have been spreading a rumor that President Biden ability to speak is controlled by someone with a wireless push button.

Today, Senator James Risch (R-Idaho) asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken to tell him the name of the person in the White House who “has the authority to press the button and to cut off the president’s speaking ability.”

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