Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021

You know how to tell your precious American democracy is already dead? When the guy who has to save it turns out to be Dan Quayle. Yes, that Dan Quayle.

If you guessed that some House Democrats are balking at a $3.5 trillion spending bill because they’re in toss-up districts, Johnny will tell you all about your consolation prize. It’s not congresscritters in electoral peril — it’s rich fucks in safe seats who are taking gobs of corporate money. Wouldn’t it be nice if one of our two parties were on our side?

The coming attractions for The Sausage-Making Chronicles finds the D.C. media corps atwitter because we’re approaching another fight over the government’s debt limit, because Republicans have no other goal than to fuck up the country and the media have no other goal but to profit by it.

The media have done their best to ratchet up tensions for a D.C. rally scheduled for Saturday to show support for all the traitors arrested on Jan. 6, but it appears MAGA nation has gone all Admiral Ackbar — they claim it’s a trap.

The floor’s yours.

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