Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, October 1, 2021

Killings By Police In America Undercounted By More Than Half.  According to the British medical journal Lancet:

Researchers compared information from a federal database known as the National Vital Statistics System, which collects death certificates, with recent data from three organizations that track police killings through news reports and public records requests. When extrapolating and modeling that data back decades, they identified a startling discrepancy: About 55 percent of fatal encounters with the police between 1980 and 2018 were listed as another cause of death.

The findings reflect both the contentious role of medical examiners and coroners in obscuring the real extent of police violence, and the lack of centralized national data on an issue that has caused enormous upheaval. Private nonprofits and journalists have filled the gap by mining news reports and social media.

The boldfaced passage has particular relevance to Delaware:  The Office Of The State Medical Examiner was placed under the Department Of Homeland Security (yep, the cops) just a few years ago.  The person who spent her legislative career running interference for the cops got a cushy position with the Department of Homeland Security. BTW, that former legislator is now under indictment for allegedly helping cops to avoid drug screening.  Read about it here. And here.  Here’s why it’s relevant:

You got that? The forensics will now be under the purview of the state cops. What could possibly go wrong? My prediction: Evidence will still disappear. It will just be different evidence. If a cop has been alleged to have done something wrong, how can anyone trust the cops to ensure that the evidence is preserved? History teaches us that we can’t. And now Rebecca Walker will be reunited with her cop buddies and will have access to that evidence.

Betcha she gets off with a slap on the wrist in 3-2-1…

Rethugs Eat Their Own Elections Officials. Because ‘it is God’s will’ that elections reflect the wishes of the MAGAts.

‘Law Abidin’ Citizens’ Brought Weapons Arsenals To DC For Jan. 6 Insurrection.  So much for it being a ‘normal tourist visit’, as one MAGAt congressman called it.

Progressive Consumer Protection Advocate Confirmed By Senate.  Well, that’s something:

Senate Banking ranking member Patrick J. Toomey, R-Pa., said Chopra would return the CFPB to “the lawless, overreaching, highly politicized agency it was during the Obama administration.” 


Texas Abortion Law Could Backfire On Its Supporters.  This may well be one of the strangest laws to ever be enacted.  Legalized vigilante justice. What could possibly go wrong?

One Less Witzke Voter.  Minimum 3 years jail time.  Let this be a lesson to the mouthbreathers.

What do you want to talk about?

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