Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, October 8, 2021

Two From The Times:  Optimist.  Pessimist.  Would it surprise you to learn that Krugman is (sorta) the optimist?  Yeah, me too.  The Ezra Klein piece is must-reading, and it’s not (all) gloom-and-doom.

Elon Musk Heads To Anti-Choice Country.  Here’s a prediction worthy of being cut-and-saved:

“We’re going to create an ecological paradise here because we’re right on the Colorado River,” he said.

Reminds me of a Dave Alvin song (you were maybe expecting Stealth Sondheim? Patience, my friends):

Here’s why the song resonates:  The Colorado River Basin has been in a ‘megadrought’ for twenty years.

Dark Skies Making A Comeback?  Pittsburgh leads the way.  First, the technology.  Then, the song. That’s right, kids. Stealth Sondheim!:

Cops Locked Up Black Kids For Non-Existent Crime.  Nothing happened to anyone–except the kids. This is a must-read.  Featuring a one-person judge/jury/executioner.  She would do well to pay attention to Bernadette Peters–and children. (Special Bonus Stealth Sondheim!!):

OK, that’s enough Stealth Sondheim for now…unless I change my mind.

The Coup That Almost Succeeded.  I remain utterly gobsmacked with the collective shrugging of shoulders on this treason and sedition.  Doesn’t bode well for the future of the country.

No UI Benefits For Delaware’s Willfully Unvaccinated.  Good. Replete with a Daryl Scott sighting.  He was a real good legislator.

Don’t Buy Retail Pharmacies’ Crocodile Tears.  The worker shortage, particularly the pharmacist shortage, is due to the chains cutting (a) starting salaries for pharmacists; and (b) reducing professional support staff.  Who the fuck wants to provide an endless supply of flu & covid shots while trying to keep pace with never-ending prescription demands while working with a skeleton crew?  Since pharmacy is still by far the biggest profit center of these retailers, the only logical conclusion is that the big chains are more concerned with their stock prices than their clients.  That’s not a conclusion. That’s a fact.  The Board Of Pharmacy knows this, but won’t say it. In part because some of their members are from said big chains.

What do you want to talk about?

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