DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 9, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 9, 2021

Rabbi Joins Proud Boys, Hands Out ‘Religious Exemptions’ From Covid Vaccinations.  ‘Backwards reeled the mind’.  Who can quote the original sentence, and who wrote it?  No, it wasn’t Sondheim.

WH: Trump Docs Can Go To Congress. No doubt Trump will appeal. Sometimes, you (meaning me) have to wonder how Trump can afford to pay all these attorneys.

Are ALL North Carolina Rethugs Batshit-Crazy?  Or was it just a recent full moon?  We report, you decide:  Madison CawthornLt. Governor Mark RobinsonThis Guy.  Question Of The Day: Was he wearing drapes, or a sofa covering?  I’ve seen a jacket like that somewhere…but, where, where? I’ve got it! Ex-state Rep. Ben Ewing (and ex-state cop) had one like it, but the designs on the jacket signified items from an all-you-can-eat buffet, and he only wore that jacket when (literally) bellying up to an all-you-can-eat buffet.  Which he did at every conference that he and I attended.  Precious water-colored memories…

Biden Reverses Trump Policy, Restores Revered Indigenous Spaces In Utah.  Still a lot of damage yet to be undone.  One small victory at a time…

Statewide Reassessment Begins–Door To DoorFinally!  Here’s why:

Last year, a Delaware judge ruled that the way the state’s three counties calculate property values for taxing purposes is unconstitutional. The counties have been using a method that taxes the value of homes based on what they would have been worth during the last reassessment decades ago.

Since then, certain types of property and actual market values in certain locations have gone up faster than other places. This leads to a situation where some property owners, often those with the most expensive properties, are taxed based on a smaller percentage of their property’s actual worth than the owners of other properties.

The judge’s ruling forced the three counties into the current process of reassessment, which is aimed at restoring equity and accuracy to the values used to calculate local tax bills.

And because it has been decades since reassessment occurred, most will see the taxable value of their property rise. But those property owners should not expect a tax increase commensurate with that rise in taxable value. 

Of course not. This is Delaware after all.  The only reason this is being done at all is because the Court is making them do it.  It simply must be done in a manner that minimizes the impact on Delaware’s wealthiest.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    The full sentence, from a withering New Yorker parody by Walcott Gibbs of Time magazine’s early style, was “Backward ran sentences until reeled the mind.”

    Gibbs’ concluding paragraph:

    Certainly to be taken with seriousness is Luce at thirty-eight, his fellowman already informed up to his ears, the shadow of his enterprises long across the land, his future plans impossible to imagine, staggering to contemplate. Where it all will end, knows God!

    The impact is a bit lost for us, because many of the idiosyncrasies of the Time style formed the basis of the journalistic language used today.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Uh Oh! It’s Yogi Berra time. When I was a little kid growing up in the sixties on Long Island Yogi Quotes were the best part of the Yankees of that era. Favorites remain: It ain’t the heat, it’s the humility and It’s Deja Vu all over again. Whether he actually said that or not. Yes, it was that powerful.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Hmm, in addition to Yogi Berra it’s time to admit I’ve failed to predict the future yet again as court ordered reassessment, supposedly to include the high, mighty and rich at the beach, is court ordered. Expecting absurd lawsuits that boil down to “But I’m Rich and can do as I please!”, “my family has lived here since time began” and “I voted for Trump!!!” in coming days. Will it happen? Not holding my breath and would not be surprised to not live that long.

  4. nathan arizona says:

    Yogi Berra was my favorite member of the Algonquin Round Table.

  5. RE Vanella says:


    Whoops. I realize that’s from Jacobin. Here’s one from the radical leftist Trumpian outfit *checks notes* the New Republic


    • Alby says:

      Please. Pundits having tantrums are not to be taken seriously.

      Get back to me once the first step in your plan is completed. Wait, fuck that. Let’s see the plan. Got one? Show it or stuff it. Talk is cheap.

      Do you have any idea how many solicitations I have gotten every day for decades from people pitching their pipe dreams? Do you have any idea how easy it is to see it for the folly it is?

  6. nathan arizona says:

    REV: “it’s from Jacobin.” Thinking about that magazine’s namesake French Jacobins is one thing that makes me nervous about your politics.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Lol. Remember when Chris Matthews said on MSNBC he was afraid a Bernie Sanders administration would behead him in Central Park. Lol. They immediately realized he was losing his marbles and he retired. 🤣

      Also, Bhaskar named the magazine after the Black Jacobins in Haiti. CLR James, &c.

      Lol… you’re legit v funny.

  7. Andrew C says:

    What’s Jack Markell up to? Getting work done:


    From YOUR Delaware NPR reporters.

  8. You’re done. Permanently.

    Get help.

    Or don’t.