DL Open Thread Monday October 11th 2021

Filed in National by on October 11, 2021

The good, reasonable and sane Democratic Party is continually stabbed in the back by lefty Dems who are rude and strident.  They turn the 5% of “persuadable” voters in the middle off and thereby swing elections to the Republicans by being unpleasant and uncompromising.

Are you familiar with that fairytale?  Or worse, did that nonsense speak to you?

In that fairytale, so popular in the American media, the heroes are the moderate Democrats.  They are very high-minded and guided by dispassionate logic and cold reason.  They would be doing great if not for the progressives tripping them up.

That is all bullshit, of course.  It is the moderates who are stabbing the party in the back.

The moderate’s treachery is two-pronged.  They stab the party in the back by constantly forcing Dems to water down very popular policies* and they stab it in the back when they simply stay home and don’t vote in mid-terms at the same rate that liberals do.

That’s right.  It is the salt of the earth centrist democratic voters who don’t turn out during mid-term elections.  Yes, you dummy.  Here – read this. 

Other stuff probably happened.  Tomorrow I am going to reveal the identity of the next Delaware Governor.   So if this open thread wasn’t your cup of tea, you may find some Earl Grey waiting for you tomorrow.  Who the fuck knows?

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day.

*Sinema Wants to Cut $100 Billion in Climate Funds, meanwhile six Arizona counties are at risk of being uninhabitable in the near future due to climate change. But whatev’s. Glorious Moderation must be served.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    This is funny (or tragic). CNN changed the headline of that linked story sometime last night. When I linked to it: Democrats have a Turnout Problem. Moderates Are not Voting in Midterms.

    Now: Democrats have a midterm turnout problem. Being more liberal won’t help.

    I’d say that is a pretty tidy example of how fucked we are.

  2. DJT Toadstool says:

    This moderate hasn’t voted since 2014. Candidates have to earn votes, they don’t get them by default.

  3. Arthur says:

    I’m getting a chuckle out of various tv outlets stating chris coons is “joe bidens close confidant.”