DL Open Thread Tuesday October 12th 2021

Filed in National by on October 12, 2021

Wow. Big news day yesterday. It almost feels anticlimactic to reveal who the next Governor of Delaware will be. Anyway, no need to slow roll it. Barring some scandal that prevents Carney from finishing his lack luster interregnum, the next Governor of Delaware will be Sarah McBride.

By the time the next gubernatorial election rolls around in 2024 she will have been twice elected to the Senate with huge margins. She piles up accolades and honors on a weekly basis, with the latest being been appointed to the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee. I mean just read the Sarah McBride wikipedia entry.  It is an astonishing list of accomplishments when taken together describe a rare political with ambition and a strong public service ethic.

Furthermore I think she has the timing that great politicians all have.  Carper, as much as I don’t like him, had it.  Markell had great timing as well.  The window for something like this doesn’t stay open forever.  I think she’ll see that and take her shot in 2024.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Hmmm. I agree that Sarah likely is not long for the legislature.

    However, my scenario goes like this: LBR tells Carper that she’s running for his Senate seat, and he can either step aside or get run over.

    That opens up LBR’s congressional seat, and that’s where Sarah ends up. Until Chris Coons comes up for reelection.

    Clip ‘n save for future ridicule.

    • jason330 says:

      That’s a good point. Carper will upset the chessboard. Although I’m not sure LBR would have to nerve to put Carper on notice like that.

      • I think she will. The blueprint that’s been laid out for her?:

        Sarah McBride (nicely) telling Harris McDowell that she was running for his Senate seat. I think that LBR will take that lesson to heart.

  2. SussexWatcher says:

    Lordy, I hope so.

    She’s one of the best. And Governor is where you can get actual shit done and leave a legacy. Congress is a dead end.

  3. Reality check says:

    I’ll side with el som on this. That checks out.

  4. RedHannah says:

    It’s a crapshoot.

    Sarah is a good person but hasn’t proven herself outside of a deep blue district. Her candidacy for governor will be a lightening rod and there will be out-of-state pressure. Remaining moderate dems might try to steer her to a safe patronage position in the (presumed) Harris administration.

    • Jason330 says:

      I didn’t mention anything about gender in the post because by 2024 it may be the least interesting thing about her candidacy

      • RedHannah says:

        You know that that some of the less strategic progs will overplay her background because it’s a compelling story of “triumph over tragedy”. 2024 is a lot
        Closer that we think, my advice is for her to partner with a Sussex conservative to beat down
        Kathy Mcguinness, then pivot
        To legislative ethics reform

    • Well, she got landmark legislation passed in Delaware even BEFORE she ran for office. So, there’s that.

  5. RedHannah says:

    Cautiously optimistic. If she cant translate her hustle from social legislation to the other aspects of governance, she’s gonnna hit roadblocks to governorship.

    • C’mon, just between you ‘n me–you’re trollin’ us, right?

      • RedHannah says:

        If I’m trolling, it’s low-energy. Real trolling is calling up Rick Jensen and giving him kudos on-air for how he stood up to Forever media when they canned Loudell.

        I’m serious about Sarah though. She will have to build her legislative C.V. or the general electorate won’t buy in

        • You mean, like how John Carney had built up his ANYTHING CV before he was finally elected governor? Other than the Lt. Governor’s fitness challenge, I mean?

          There are different kind of trolls. The faux-concern troll being a particular type (hey, we’ve been around for awhile, we’ve seen all kinds).

          Not saying you are, but that’s the vibe that I’m feeling.

          Not to mention that Sarah has tremendous charisma. People are drawn to her. Believe me, and I’ve seen a lot of politicians, that’s something rare.

          • Carney was Lt. Governor to Minner, not Markell. Carper shoehorned him onto THAT ticket. Otherwise, he would have remained the aparatchik he was.

            Matt Denn was Markell’s Lt. Governor. However, when Beau died, he ran for, and was elected, AG. The Lt. Gov. position remained open until the next election.

  6. Sarah McBride is neither a Lt. Governor nor someone who should run on a ticket for Lt. Governor. The ‘wait your turn’ stuff is passe. I think you’re dealing with an outdated playbook. The Delaware Way will soon be in the rearview mirror.

    I’ve said that I think she is likelier to run for federal office than for state office. But if she chooses to run for Governor, I’d certainly be receptive to her candidacy.

    As is, both Kathleen Jennings and Matt Meyer intrigue me.