Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday October 12th 2021

Wow. Big news day yesterday. It almost feels anticlimactic to reveal who the next Governor of Delaware will be. Anyway, no need to slow roll it. Barring some scandal that prevents Carney from finishing his lack luster interregnum, the next Governor of Delaware will be Sarah McBride.

By the time the next gubernatorial election rolls around in 2024 she will have been twice elected to the Senate with huge margins. She piles up accolades and honors on a weekly basis, with the latest being been appointed to the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee. I mean just read the Sarah McBride wikipedia entry.  It is an astonishing list of accomplishments when taken together describe a rare political with ambition and a strong public service ethic.

Furthermore I think she has the timing that great politicians all have.  Carper, as much as I don’t like him, had it.  Markell had great timing as well.  The window for something like this doesn’t stay open forever.  I think she’ll see that and take her shot in 2024.

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