The House Maps: Questions And Answers

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 13, 2021

Finally.  Here they are:

Man, they really pulled some shit here.  First, check out the questions I had here.

Now, guess who has beaten a fast retreat from Delaware City.  If you guessed ‘Our PAL Val’ Longhurst, you would be correct.  After steering this crony-infested development project into a community that really didn’t want it, she is abandoning that part of her district to Melissa Minor-Brown.  Good luck, Melissa. If I were you, I’d call for whomever is in charge of the Auditor’s office to conduct a fiscal audit as to where, and to whom, all the state funding for that project has gone.  It’s your mess to clean up now.  We’ll be watching.  Be part of the solution, not the problem.  In other words, stop kissing Val’s ass. It could cut short your career.  In fact, we’ll try to make it happen.  Pro tip:  Don’t get caught having drinks with Nicole Poore at Crabby Dick’s.

Yep, Gerald Brady’s district is now firmly ensconced in Sussex.  And it’s not really that hospitable to the D’s. Not hospitable at all.  But Speaker Pete doesn’t give a shit.  It looks like Nnamdi and Krista Griffith will pick up the bulk of Gerald’s district. The 4th flips from D to R. Unnecessarily.  Yes, a D could win it, but it could have been drawn so that a D would win it.

Nope, the two western NCC Rethugs were NOT combined into the same district.  I mean, if you’re trying to stay in leadership, you need to screw certain D’s, not R’s.  Ramone and Smith retain their districts, at least until Ramone eventually and inevitably gets taken out.

David Bentz’ district remains intact. I expected this, and I’m pleased.

Steve Smyk’s district has been made SAFER.  The Kop Kabal strikes again.  Pete could have put him out of business, and should have.  Instead, he gave him more protection. He needs all the cop buddies he can muster. Still too many east to west districts in Sussex. Excepting, of course, Schwartzkopf’s. And possibly the 38th.

Little change to Deb Heffernan’s district.  Becca Cotto will get a fair shake.  Memo To Future Prospective Candidates:  Keep your intentions secret until after redistricting is finalized.

That’s my quick first take.  Check out your districts and tell me what you think.

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  1. May not be as bad as I feared. DD over at Blue Delaware says that, while Ramone’s district remains intact, his residence has been drawn into Baumbach’s district.

    Paul should beat him if he runs again, and the 21st is up for grabs. Maybe Stephanie Barry gets across the finish line first this time.

    Of course, if this is true, Ramone could move, but it’d have to be real quick. Like in the next 3 weeks.

    He could cry ‘foul’, and he’d have a case. That’s why I’m surprised they did this. If they did this.

    • There’s, of course, another possibility. Either Baumbach or Ramone have told leadership they’re retiring.

      In fact, I think that may even be likely. If Baumbach retires, Ramone will still have a district. But virtually the entire district will be new to him, making reelection very dicey. And, Stephanie Barry will have a clear shot at the 21st. If Ramone retires, then Baumbach has a sure road to reelection, and the 21st still goes for Barry.

      I’m callin’ it. But, then, I’ve had two glasses of a wonderful Oregon pinot noir, so I may be in even less control of my senses than normal.

  2. Looking at the proposed 2nd RD, I can only conclude that either Stephanie Bolden is retiring, or she’s losing in a primary.

    Can someone, you know, GOOD, step up to replace her?

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    It would be great if they had put up the current maps as an overlay so we could look at differences more easily.

  4. jason330 says:

    Not knowing the exact contours of the old 9th – the new 9th looks MORE republican to me. Why protect Kevin Hensley?

  5. Quiet Woman says:

    Interestingly RD 6 lost the two ED’s that went to Bernie and went strong for Kerri and Jess. Purposefully? It make sense.

    • You’re probably correct. And it could well have been a last-minute thing.

      I really wish that news of Becca’s candidacy hadn’t leaked out before the maps were finalized. But she can certainly win that district.

    • Math says:

      Which EDs in RD 6? Jess didn’t crack 35% in any of them?