FWIW – I like Mitch

Filed in National by on October 26, 2021

His FB post raises a lot of questions in my mind. With Lopez hanging up his skates, who was that district designed for? What gay enclave was drawn out of the 6th? Is this really MORE Dem friendly than the old 6th? But my biggest question is why all the anti-Mitch energy?

I mean, I gave him tons of shit and called him a “genuine Ralph Abernathy” when he was being the mouthpiece for the LGBTQ pac that had the gall to support Mike Ramone – but that shit was richly deserved. In hind site, Mitch himself would probably admit that. (Also, after all that shit, they didn’t do it twice.)

Other than that incident, I’ve found him to be a decent, honest, hard working Democrat.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    I’ll give you my answer: Because I believed his bullshit when he ran for Insurance Commissioner. I was at the announcement. So were progressives like Karen Peterson and Dave Sokola.

    I campaigned for him. I talked him up on Al’s show.

    I persuaded him to come to the Arden Fair to campaign and we used our house as his recon point. I asked for signs. Never got them. I began to notice that there were NO signs anywhere that I could see in New Castle County.

    He shows up at the Fair with no signs, and…Richard Korn. I asked him, why so little presence in NCC?

    His response? I cannot make this up. He figured they weren’t gonna win in NCC, so he decided to devote almost all his time downstate. You know, where he lives.

    I bit my tongue thru the primary, but he was dead to me. You’re not gonna campaign where not only 5/7th of the state population lives, but where the vast preponderance of D’s live and vote?

    You’re not a serious candidate. The irony being, had he been even only half-serious he would have won.

    He wasn’t, and he isn’t. I was fooled by his crap once. Never again. A bullshit artist. Nothing more.

  2. Mitch Crane says:

    Tell me how you really feel, El Somnambulo.

    Jason330, the answer to your question is “yes”. Thank you for the compliments too.

  3. Kevin Ohlandt says:

    Aside from his loyalty to Kathy McGuiness I have no beef with Mitch. Mitch, I’m sure this is going to come up during your campaign but for the record, where do you stand on this issue?

    • Alby says:

      My beef with Mitch is exactly this oft-demonstrated inability to accurately assess the people he barnacles himself onto.

    • Mitch Crane says:

      Kevin, there is no campaign. The powers that be have left me out of the proposed 6th district. “loyalty to Kathy McGuiness”? I did not support her for Lt Governor. I voted for someone else. I supported her for Auditor because I believed she was intelligent and ambitious enough to do what Tom Wagner never did- audit state funds. I am also a supporter of Attorney General Jennings.

      You may recall that quite a few of the regulars on DL predicted that I was supporting her because I would be her deputy or take some other job. I did not seek a position with her office. I declined it the one time it was discussed.

      Now- I am truly disappointed that Kathy would do anything that would be brought into question. When you take office where there are employees who did not support you, and where there are employees who ran against you or supported your opponent, you do not do ANYTHING that could be questionable. I once had a client who told me “the police are out to get me”. I responded “If you know they are out to get you, don’t give them anything to GET.”.

      If Kathy McGuiness is determined to be guilty of any or all of the charges, she should be sentenced accordingly. Until then, she is entitled to her presumption of innocence and the General Assembly has its right to address her continued service in office. I remember when Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of Labor (Donovan?) was prosecuted for corruption. He was removed by Reagan and went to trial some time later. He was acquitted. When he addressed the press he said “what court do I have to go to to get my reputation back?”

      • Alby says:

        And there you have it. The fact that Kathy McGuiness would have to be found guilty for Mitch to figure out that she’s unworthy of public office is the sum total of my complaint.

        • Mitch Crane says:

          not that I value your opinion, your interpretation of what I wrote is totally wrong.

          • Alby says:

            It’s easy to interpret you — you’ve sucked up to everyone you could in an effort to get on the public payroll since you left Pennsylvania, where you were no longer wanted, and brought yourself to Delaware, where you’re not wanted either.

            She has been a bad actor as long as she’s been in the public sphere. Your inability to see it shows you are as unfit for office as she is.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    I can’t have any more popcorn before noon:)