DL Open Thread Tuesday November 2nd 2021

Filed in National by on November 2, 2021

You’re Doing It The Wrong Way – Via Eschaton

Republicans claim they’d support a thing if only the Democrats would do it the right way, New York Times reporter types it up.

Some business groups and G.O.P. proponents of a paid leave program believe that if it had been broken out and negotiated with Republicans, the way a $1 trillion infrastructure package was at Mr. Biden’s urging, it could have survived, and some think it still could resurrected as a bipartisan initiative.

FTR – Chris Coons agrees.  If only Democrats did it the right way, then the Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus would reveal itself.

LOL – Nothing Matters

I dipped my toe into the news stream long enough to learn that preening senators are preening and that’s bad for Biden’s poll numbers.  (The bad news – Biden’s bad poll numbers makes preening senators preen even harder.)

American politics as been turned into the dumbest, most insipid reality TV show imaginable.  The 24/7 babble of useless assholes is bad enough, but they are very unattractive useless assholes to boot.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Arthur says:

    Hundreds of people are in Dealey plaza for the arrival of JFK jr to announce his vp candidacy with trump for the 2024 pres/vp election. seriously. they need names or everyone there and take their guns away because when one of the shoots up a mall or school everyone will say its a mental health issue. yes it is and we have proof they have completely broken from reality.