The FIRST Irregular Delaware Political Weekly For 2021-22!

Filed in National by on November 2, 2021

The legislative maps are officially locked in.  Meaning it’s Open Season for political junkies.  Let’s go!

1. The Announced Legislative Retirees: (The Disgraced/Disgraceful) Rep. Gerald Brady. His behavior guaranteed that the 4th RD would head on down to Suxco. Rep. David Bentz (18th RD).  It can’t be said often enough–one of Dover’s best and most effective legislators.  It is essential that his successor share his progressive policies. Sen. Ernie Lopez (6th SD).  This reminds me, shouldn’t he at least have gone ‘not voting’ on the resolution seeking an opinion on L’Affaire McGuiness?  I mean, he had an affair with McGuiness.  Maybe he’s hoping for a ‘thank you’?

2. Allegedly Impending Political Retirement: Sen. Brian Pettyjohn (SD 19). He is rumored as planning to leave before his term is over to take a job with the Sussex County Department Of Elections. Rep. Ruth Briggs King is gearing up to seek his seat.  Which brings us to…

3. Political Committee Filings.  While candidates cannot yet file for specific offices, they can file their political committees, some of which include the office they are (or, in the case of Mitch Crane, were) seeking. Also, PAC’s can file/ Here are the germane filings:

Committee to Elect Kelly Williams Maresca (26th RD)

Crane for Delaware (6th SD): Is Suxco Sheriff up this year?

Delaware Cares: A PAC formed by Kerri Evelyn Harris

Delaware Democratic PAC: A PAC formed by, wait, what? Nicole Poore??  Doesn’t look like an official Democratic PAC.  Guess two jobs isn’t enough to keep her in the lap of luxury.  Betcha that every freeloader associated with the Underground City At Ft. DuPont ponies up some of their ill-gotten gains from the project.  The Delaware Way, folks.

Delaware Latino Political Action Committee: A PAC formed by William Resto. Say-y-y, didn’t he finish third in a three-horse legislative race?  Back in a sec–yep, he got 12.7% in the three-way primary for the 5th RD back in 2018.  Kendra Johnson won, Aja Ajavon finished second.

Delaware Senate Majority Caucus Campaign Committee: This is an official PAC associated with the Senate Majority Caucus. Jesse Chadderdon is the Treasurer.

Friends Of John Bucchioni: 6th SD

Friends of Mark Pugh: 14th SD. Ennis’ district.  Craig Pugh won the 2020 R primary for the seat.  Are Mark and Craig the same person?

Friends of Rebecca Cotto: 6th RD.  This sets up as an important primary with Cotto the more progressive challenger to Deb Heffernan.

Friends of Ruth Briggs King: 19th SD. Rep. RBK is widely seen as the successor to Pettyjohn, should he resign.

While I’m not gonna list all the PAC’s, our old friend Will McVay has filed two of ’em:  The Libertarian Defense Fund (presumably to defend Libertarians who become political prisoners) and The Mandalorians. Under ‘purpose’ on the filing is, and I quote, “This is the Way”.  I can’t make this stuff up. W-wait, did I say two? Turns out there’s a third Will McVay sighting: The Patriot Party Of Delaware.

Meyer For Delaware.  Yep, Matt Meyer has filed his committee to run for Governor in 2024.  So much is contingent on who runs, but he’s certainly a credible candidate.

Murray For Delaware: The latest venture into politics for RWNJ Julianne Murray, this time for AG under the Rethug banner.

Sherm Porter for Delaware: (The defunct) 4th RD.  A caterer and a self-proclaimed legend.  I love candidates like this.

Terrell A. Williams for Delaware: 9th RD.  Williams finished third in the primary against Bruce Ennis in 2020, but I remember liking what I read about him. Yep, based on his Twitter page, he ran on a Progressive platform.

Welch for AG LLC: The (all things are relative) sane Rethug alternative to Julianne Murray.  Which is why I don’t think he has much of a chance.  He was a pretty reasonable state rep, but he’s Trumpified his message since, you know, Trump.

OK, folks, time to ante up your info, innuendos and rumors.  No character assassination, please. I reserve that as my sole province.

‘Til we meet again…

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  1. Jab says:

    I am not 100% positive, but I believe Craig and Mark Pugh are brothers.

  2. Stewball says:

    Welch has literature already printed up that spends multiple bullet points touting his NRA support and gun nut stances. The literature also says he wants to “make crime illegal again.” Definitely going full Trump.

  3. Slood says:

    Looks like Lavelle is running again

  4. SussexWatcher says:

    What’s the system or deadline for the county council / levy court districts to be mapped out now?

    • Good question. Usually the process takes place in such a manner that the lines for the respective county (and municipal) lines can also be completed within one year of Election Day.

      The counties and municipalities have to piggyback on the legislative lines, so they can’t really draw lines until the General Assembly has completed work.

      No doubt, they’ve done preliminary work. In fact, I read that Wilmington City Council is feuding over dueling redistricting plans. Granted, the very definition of dog-bites-man, but evidence that it may not take long to complete the county and municipality lines.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Makes sense. But isn’t Wilmington the only municipality to be affected? i don’t think any other towns or cities in the state hold elections linked to the state calendar. The others are all nonpartisan and held at odd times of the year – many in the spring.

        • I think you’re right. So it’s Wilmington and the counties who are impacted by the one-year deadline.

          Except, the other municipalities have to draw their district lines based on what the General Assembly does. So they will change as well.

  5. Nope, Not Telling says:

    Terrell Williams probably needs to spend more time with the electorate. He had lived in Ennis’ district for maybe a year before he showed up at anything, and then it was to challenge Ennis as the 2nd challenger. He really wants to run for something, and possibly anything.

    But maybe he keeps Monique Johns from running again, so that’s something. Either way, he doesn’t stand much of a chance, IMHO. Pretty much every person I’ve talked to thinks he doesn’t want to build the coalition, but I’m guessing he will be quick to call foul when no one shows up to help him out.

    If he’s the candidate, I’m calling it now. Hensley by 25.

  6. Harold says:

    Any predictions who does this first? I’d bet on Lawson, Richardson, or Collins.