Delaware Liberal

Witzke Needs to Be Locked Up Under DE Code Title11, § 1245A

Where the FUCK is Kathleen Jennings on this?   Witzke needs to be charged and locked up…today!
So far, can find nothing re: State Police response to the Crazy Lady….however, I did find this gem –
By someone named “Herkie”, in a comment section on something called ‘‘:
“First, I have always said that republicans are crazy as batshit, who needs any more evidence?
Second, it is a distinct crime in Delaware to make a false report, so if she is doing this only on social media to be….well….more batshit crazy than she already seems to be then I suppose one could call it theater, or just a seriously maladjusted personality of some depth of psychosis. But, if she made an actual report to actual state police then she has committed a class A misdemeanor or a Class G felony:
Delaware Code Title 11. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1245A. Providing a false statement to law enforcement;  class G felony;  class A misdemeanor
Current as of January 01, 2019
(1) A “statement” is any oral or written assertion and includes, but is not limited to, any oral utterance, any written document or instrument, any computer-generated document or instrument, any police report, or any representation that a person makes under circumstances evidencing an intent that such be used or knowledge that a law-enforcement officer or agency may use such as an assertion of fact.
(2) A statement is “false” when such statement contains untrue, incomplete or misleading information concerning any fact or thing material to the investigation of a crime or offense by a law-enforcement officer or agency.
(3) A statement is “material” when, regardless of its eventual use or admissibility in an official proceeding, it could have affected the course or outcome of the investigation of a crime or offense by a law-enforcement officer or agency.
(4) An “official proceeding” includes any action or proceeding conducted by or before a legally constituted judicial, administrative or other governmental agency or official, in which evidence or testimony of witnesses may properly be received.
(c) Providing a false statement to law enforcement is a class G felony if the crime or offense being investigated is a felony.
(d) Providing a false statement to law enforcement is a class A misdemeanor if the crime or offense being investigated is other than a felony.
So, if someone stole the election FOR Mr. Coons that would be a felony, therefore her attempt to instigate a state police investigation into that felony by providing false information is itself a felony.
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