Delaware Liberal

Is There a Christo-Fascist/White Power Cell Operating Within the Delaware State Police?

Having lost to Chris Coons by 59.4% to 37.9%, Delaware’s most prominent Republican and the defacto leader of the DEGOP,  Lauren Witzke, now claims to have asked the Delaware State Police to work with her to “retrieve the people’s stolen property” by overturning the election and installing her as Delaware’s “rightful” Senator.

While it is ludicrous to think that she has the ability to overturn the election, it is not ludicrous to think that there is a Christo-fascist/White Power cell operating within the Delaware State Police that Witzke is in contact with.

If there is, it needs to be uncovered and removed and if there isn’t a Christo-fascist/White Power cell operating within the Delaware State Police, they should denounce this scam, and charge Witzke with false reporting.

So far the Delaware State Police has not commented on Witzke’s claim to be working with them (or some far right-wing cell within the state police) to overturn the election.


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