Is There a Christo-Fascist/White Power Cell Operating Within the Delaware State Police?

Filed in National by on November 5, 2021

Having lost to Chris Coons by 59.4% to 37.9%, Delaware’s most prominent Republican and the defacto leader of the DEGOP,  Lauren Witzke, now claims to have asked the Delaware State Police to work with her to “retrieve the people’s stolen property” by overturning the election and installing her as Delaware’s “rightful” Senator.

While it is ludicrous to think that she has the ability to overturn the election, it is not ludicrous to think that there is a Christo-fascist/White Power cell operating within the Delaware State Police that Witzke is in contact with.

If there is, it needs to be uncovered and removed and if there isn’t a Christo-fascist/White Power cell operating within the Delaware State Police, they should denounce this scam, and charge Witzke with false reporting.

So far the Delaware State Police has not commented on Witzke’s claim to be working with them (or some far right-wing cell within the state police) to overturn the election.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    If anyone has any contacts in the State Police Public Information Office I’d be eager to hear when/if they release a statement.

  2. jason330 says:

    Anyway, knowing whether or not Witzke is working with a Oath Keeper/White Power cell within the State Police, as she claims, is something that you should want to know.

    For me asking the question is hardly embarrassing. But hey, YMMV. maybe you’d have been a mildly embarrassed Berliner sweeping up the glass after Kristallnacht? People are embarrassed by different shit.

  3. Harold says:

    Is There a Christo-Fascist/White Power Cell Operating Within the Delaware State Police?

    I think you answered your own question…

  4. BlueDog says:

    I don’t think this blog has enough gravitas to bait the state police into a political cat fight between a bimbo and hair-trigger leftists.

    Just sayin