Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: Nov. 2 To Nov. 8, 2021

I’d imagine that this feature will migrate off of Tuesdays at some point.  But I put the first one up last Tuesday, and it suits my current work schedule.

Besides, I’ve got stuff.

1.  First Would-Be Successor To Rep. David Bentz Surfaces.  And he has all the earmarks of a legitimate candidate.  Martin Willis filed his campaign committee paperwork with the Department of Elections.  There’s quite a bit about him online.  He is a boilermaker with Boilermakers Local 13 in Philadelphia. He graduated from Mt. Pleasant in 1984, and has been active in the Democratic Party. He has publicly opposed racism in all its forms.  His ‘go-to’ quote on Facebook is the following:

Science is not truth. Science is finding the truth. When science changes its opinion, it didn’t lie to you. It learned more.

I like that.  Which is not to say that I don’t have questions.  Willis has often supported projects that could impact the Coastal Zone ActHe also supported the huge data center project at UD, which ultimately was turned down.  He was, however, a gracious loser:

……..”It’s disappointing. But Amy Roe and her army, they outworked us,” Martin Willis, a union boilermaker who hoped to work on the project, told me, citing a Newark resident who led protests. “The Delaware Chamber of Commerce, the unions kept telling us, ‘This project is going to happen.’ We went to [Newark city] hearings to say things positive. But there was a lot of pressure against us in that community of Newark,” Willis added.

So. An intriguing candidate (and a strong Biden volunteer).  BTW, he appears to have an enemy in Nancy Willing.  I hope we get a chance to talk to him.  I’ll reach out. Anybody know him well enough to share your thoughts?

2.  Dr. Julia Pillsbury (Remember Her?) To Run For Dover City Council. She was the Republican nominee for Insurance Commissioner in 2020. She got 40.5% of the vote, pretty much about what you’d expect an R running statewide to get.  In this race, she is running for a ‘non-partisan’ seat on Dover City Council. A special election to fill a vacancy. The election will be on Tuesday, November 16.  Her ‘non-partisan’ opponent is Brandy Walker.  BTW, how pathetic is that article?  To (half-) wit:

The election will be held on Tuesday, November 16th from 7 pm. to 8 p.m. at the Elks Lodge in Dover.

A one-hour election?  What if you’re a fan of JeopardyAnd Wheel Of Fortune?

Don’t worry, it’s 7 am to 8 pm.  The City Of Dover got it right.

BTW, this fig leaf of non-partisan elections should really be abandoned.  Both major parties generally back candidates w/o publicly backing them. Why keep party affiliation a secret?

I said I had stuff.  Just not lotsa stuff.  It’s early.  Things will start poppin’ soon.

What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?


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