Don’t get excited about the Bannon Indictment

Filed in National by on November 13, 2021
Bannon’s case is assigned to Judge Carl J. Nichols, a Trump appointee. He clerked for Clarence Thomas

As Scott Lemieux notes at LGM. It it is entirely predictable that Judge Nichols will invent some broad new form of executive privilege that applies retroactively, contemporaneously, and prospectively to anyone who has ever had a conversation with Donald Trump.

Nichols has been a member of the Federalist Societysince 2003.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Ben says:

    Actually being indicted is probably gonna be a net positive. He won’t see jail time, or need to pay anything AND gets to posture as a victim of political persecution.

  2. bamboozer says:

    I have at least as much faith in the judiciary as I have in the politicians and the police, which is to say none. Would not be surprised if a judicial flight of fantasy is not in the offing here, if so it will head for the supreme court who no doubt wish to expand the mighty power of the executive order, which was intended as merely instructions on how a law will be enforced.( In the voice of Yogi Berra: ‘You can look it up”).

  3. bamboozer says:

    Oops, confused Executive privilege with an Executive order. Regardless I await the worst possible outcome.

    • jason330 says:

      “We await the worst possible outcome.” of more poetic in latin: Exspectamus atrocissimum eventum

      That should be the motto of the Democratic Party. A party that can’t be stirred to action even as it is marched to the gallows.