Delaware Liberal

Terrell Williams Officially Announces For 9th RD

Here is his letter to constituents:

Hello, my name is Terrell A. Williams, I am a resident of Middletown and I live in the 9th District.

I am writing you today to formally announce my candidacy for Delaware’s 9th Representative District seat and my intentions to bring our district back into the Democratic fold. I am running as the 9th RD Democratic candidate to ensure our state government is working for the benefit of all district members. As our district continues to grow and diversify, the issues impacting our communities vary for communities and municipalities below the canal. It is with these issues in mind that I believe a change in leadership is needed.

I am a Democrat! Let me say that again, I am a Democrat! I believe in core values such as: integrity, respect, teamwork, and perseverance. I believe transparency is the hallmark of our democracy, especially in public service. I emphasize that I am a Democrat because knowing who a person is, well, is important. I want all of you to know that I am proud to be called a Democrat, because – to me — being a Democratic candidate means being someone who represents the interests of the majority and not minority. That said, I know some of you have concerns and gripes over the direction and inclusiveness of the Democratic Party. Some of you may wonder if the Democratic Party still represents your interests and beliefs with the types of policies and leadership that was once synonymous with Presidents John F Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Believe me, I understand. But I want you to know, I hear you, I hear you loud and clear! But let me be honest, the Democratic Party is the only party that represents the collective interests of the 9th District.

I know that we live in a time and space, where not everyone agrees uniformly on every issue and that’s OK. I believe points of contention and disagreements allow for frank and honest conversations. Those types of discussions tend to lead to compromise and resolution, the very mechanisms upon which our democracy was founded.

Under my watch, your voices will not be marginalized, your ideals devalued, or your disappointment ignored or criticized. Now more than ever, we need every Democrat and person who supports democracy to participate in the midterm elections. Not participating will mean two more years of bad leadership and inaction at the State House — and the 9th District can’t afford that. For far too long, we have seen a parade of elected leaders in Dover fail to negotiate with the decorum necessary to make our state government work. I want to change that. With your help, I can! That is why today, I am pledging to be open and honest about my candidacy and platform, and who I am. The platform that I am running on will include quality of life concerns, voting rights, and mental health reform. I pledge to focus on the issues that impact our daily lives.

So, to help you better understand who I am, let me tell you a little bit about where I came from. I grew up in northwest Philadelphia, to working-class parents who struggled to maintain a piece of the American dream. I am the youngest of six siblings and the product of a public school system that taught me more lessons about perseverance than academics. I graduated from Cheyney University, earning my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. I went on to graduate from Western Michigan University’s Cooley Law School. I am a veteran of the U.S. Army, where I have served since 2000. I am married to my beautiful wife, Jamillah, and we have an amazing, blended family. We have adopted Delaware as our home and in doing so we fully embraced our transition from Philadelphians to Delawareans.

We understand the hard work and sacrifices many of you have made to achieve your piece of the American dream. Like many of you, we are invested in seeing our community grow and prosper. That is why I serve as a commissioner on New Castle County’s Diversity Commission, and I am an active member of the 9th RD Democratic Executive Board. I am actively involved with the MOT NAACP chapter, my fraternity Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and various other community organizations in and around the MOT area and state. I want you to know that advocacy is not a part-time job or hobby for me; it is who I am. Equality and equity are characteristics that I believe make communities inclusive and stronger for everyone.

Delaware’s 9th District is the quintessential community, when one thinks about America’s promise and hope to Generations X and Y, millennials, and our seniors. We are a melting pot of diversity, culture, race, and ethnicity in Delaware’s fasting-growing district. Many of us share similar concerns over quality-of-life issues related to congested roadways, infrastructure and development, schools, internet accessibility and cellular services, and policing below the canal. Others may have issues that are more unique to their neighborhoods such as farming and agriculture, the environmental impact of development on our natural resources, and access to senior care and services below the canal. These are all issues that I will tackle head-on, as your State Representative.

To ensure our fundamental rights are protected and our civil liberties are not infringed upon, we must elect a 9th District Representative that embraces the truth — even when it means having to face disappointment. We can no longer allow for lies and conspiracy theories to shape our political platforms when there are so many other issues our state government must tackle. We must move our conversations forward beyond election fraud and voter security concerns that are based on unfounded lies and innuendo and do more to ensure every eligible voter can vote in our district. The 2020 election cycle saw an increase in voter participation because of early in-person voting, more access to mail-in ballots, and drop-off boxes. I want to make voting convenience and accessibility the new norm in Delaware. I am opposed to any legislation that makes participating in our elections harder or more restrictive for 9th District members. This is the gospel we must spread as Democrats to combat lies and misinformation.

As I announce my candidacy for the 9th RD seat, I realize the challenge of unseating a formidable, entrenched incumbent. But the facts remain, his political ideologies and legislative record do not represent the collective of the 9th District. This is our opportunity to protect our fundamental rights and civil liberties from closeted radical conservative beliefs. This is our opportunity to elect a person whose values, and beliefs, are more closely aligned with the majority of Delaware’s 9th District. I am a Democrat; I am a proud Democrat! And one of the trademarks of being a Democrat is being inclusive; we are stronger together than we are divided.

In quoting Former President Obama, “I’m hopeful that despite all the noise, all the lies, we’re going to remember who we are, who we’re called to be…” I want us to remember who we are and who we are all called to be! I want to work together with all of you, to help move Delaware forward and to ensure the 9th District is inclusive and a BETTER PLACE TO LIVE AND THRIVE for all its members!

Thank you! Thank you for your support and I look forward to working with all of you to MOVE DELAWARE FORWARD!!!!

THANK YOU!!! Terrell A. Williams

If this sounds like your kind of candidate (and remember, the incumbent is Kevin Hensley, who has been a predictable Rethug vote since he got elected),  you can find out more about the Williams campaign right here:

Get involved, pipples!

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