Delaware Liberal

Biden’s Dilemma

He ran as the sensible moderate who, even in the age of unbreakable, unreasonable, recalcitrant Republicanism,  could “bring people together.”   The unreasonable, recalcitrant Republicans have called bullshit on that plan, so Biden can either renounce this key campaign promise, or make pretend that Susan Collins,  Mitt Romney, Bill Cassidy, Lisa Murkowski,  Shelley Moore Capito attending a White House signing ceremony means that he is “bring people together.”

I’d bet the farm that the Biden braintrust goes with “let’s make pretend” as a strategy.

And I get it.   Calling out Republicans for what they are and charting a bold, aggressive new course of direct confrontation would be akin to admitting that his political life up until now is a bit of a scam.   You can’t blame him for not having the guts to renounce his entire political identity, who could possibly do that?

Sure.  That sucks for the country, but there you have it.




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