DL Open Thread Wednesday November 17th 2021 – Coons’ Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus Comes Out of Hiding for a Junket to Germany

Filed in National by on November 17, 2021

How many of these Republican members of the

Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus

members will vote for the second leg of the ‘Build Back Better’ plan? The over/under is 1. I’ll take the under.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Harold says:

    Darius Brown needs to go. I mean, he already needed to go, but now he REALLY needs to go https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/politics/2021/11/17/senator-stripped-post-after-altercation-colleague/8648881002/

    • jason330 says:

      “The senator got in a heated verbal altercation with Rep. Melissa Minor-Brown, a New Castle Democrat, during a press event on Nov. 8 when Gov. John Carney signed multiple criminal justice bills.

      “He was aggressively rude toward me and stood in very close proximity, angrily yelling profanities in my face,” Minor-Brown said in a statement on Wednesday. “This took place in full view of many witnesses. … He has displayed a disturbing pattern of behavior toward women, and this is just the latest example.”

      Brown did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.

      In a statement Wednesday announcing Brown’s removal from the Bond Bill Committee, Senate President Pro Tempore David Sokola said the incident was “deeply concerning to me and those who witnessed it.”


  2. Arthur says:

    This is what Chris Coons really loves!!!


  3. Andrew C says:


    State Senator Darius Brown, who’s facing criminal charges, will now be the subject of an ethics investigation, following what some have called a “disturbing pattern of behavior toward women.”

    Senator Majority Whip Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman (D-Wilmington), who chairs the six-person, bi-partisan Senate Rules & Ethics Committee, announced Wednesday that she will start the process in the coming weeks regardless of the outcome of Brown’s criminal trial.

    • Unbelievable!:

      “But the step to convene the ethics investigation comes after Brown got into a verbal argument with another state lawmaker, wherein he yelled profanities in the face of state Rep. Melissa Minor-Brown at a criminal justice bill signing last week. Several witnesses were present for the altercation.

      “He was aggressively rude toward me and stood in very close proximity, angrily yelling profanities in my face,” said Minor-Brown in a statement. “The entire encounter was extremely unnerving and unsettling, enough so that I felt compelled to speak up…he has displayed a disturbing pattern of behavior toward women, and this is just the latest example.”

      That “conduct unbecoming of an elected official” as state Sen. President Pro Tempore Dave Sokola (D-Newark) called it, got Brown booted from the Bond Bill Committee, which crafts the state budget. It’s the second committee from which Brown has been removed.

      “Verbal abuse is abuse, full stop, and it cannot go unpunished,” said Sokola.”

      This guy has a political death wish. Death Wish granted.

  4. Alby says:

    It’s always easy to spot Coons. Just look for the tiniest man in the picture.