Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: November 19-25, 2021

1. Unashamed RWNJ Announces Congressional Run.  He displays promising comedic potential:

Christopher Hill is currently a geotechnical driller; he previously spent time as a board certified alcohol and drug dependency counselor in the state, but he majored in political science in college.

His interest in politics led to his involvement with campaigns for Terry Spence, who was a Delaware state Representative from 1981 until 2008–and Speaker of the House from ’87 through the end of his service–and Vincent Lofink, who was a state representative from 1990 to 2008 and is a current Delaware State Board of Education member.

“I was at home one day watching the news, and I saw the invasion at the border. I had seen it several times, and I sat up and…this is the thought that went through my head: ‘The people of the state of Delaware deserve somebody like me,’ or, ‘I deserve somebody like me fighting for and representing me in Congress,'” Hill said. “I thought, ‘Hey, wait a minute. I’m going to do that.’ And that was really how it actually happened.”


“The main issues that I would like to address is the invasion at the border, and the incessant rhetoric from the Democrat Party talking about how there’s a need for immigration reform,” Hill said. “There is no need for immigration reform. There is only need for enforcing our current law, which already would handle the problem if the Border Patrol and ICE were allowed to do their job, which they’re not.”

“We don’t know who these people coming in are, we don’t know their names, we don’t know their intentions. We don’t know if they if it’s the fourth time that they’re coming in, if they’ve already been deported. We don’t know if they have criminal backgrounds. We don’t know if they’re smuggling drugs or people or women,” Hill said. “That takes me right into…the opiate and drug epidemic across the country. 2021 is the first year in the history of the United States of America where we had over 100,000 drug overdose deaths. And that is a direct result of the open border policy the administration has.”

Biden did all that in one year? But, I digress:

“As far as working with Democrats, no, I have no intention of doing that. If I win the general election, my duty and obligation as the representative of the state of Delaware is to represent the people that elected me, and if I were to quote-unquote ‘work with the other side,’ I would be abandoning their voice and their vote,” he said. “If I’m going to work with the Democrats, I might as well be a Democrat. So no, I have no intention of working with the Democrats, or the president, or reaching across the aisle–the saying that everybody loves to say–no, I don’t have any intention of doing that.”

If I used emojis, Chris Coons would have a ‘sad’ here.

Tell me this guy isn’t gonna be fun to follow. You can do so right here.

His putative opponent, Lee ‘GoMurphGo’ Murphy has already established his comedic bona fides.  His only qualification for office has ever been his uncanny resemblance to Bob Forehead:

Check out the photo of Lee on the Riverfront right here on his homepage.  I would have preferred to have seen the lens capture the precise moment when that button inevitably flew off that sports coat.  I’m calling it right now: Christopher Hill goes all Scott Walker on Lee Murphy.

2. Russell Huxtable Announces Intention To Seek SD 6 D Nomination. A tip of the sombrero to the always-alert SussexAnon!  Huxtable sounds like our kind of candidate. He has been with the Milford Housing Development Corporation since 2003, and is currently its VP.  Here is his LinkedIn profile.  Here’s what he does:

For a large, growing (now regional) non profit housing development corporation. Direct and manage development activities including single family/fee simple and multi-family developments. Also provide program management and leadership to the activities the corporation operate such as a large Self-Help Housing Program, The Home Repair Project, Transitional Housing, Preservation and other programs to address the needs of low and very low income families in the search for affordable housing solutions. Responsible for developing pro-formas for development and budgets for program activities, also including securing/obtaining funding for both activities. Also be proactive in the community and local governments to address affordable housing issues on a policy level.

What he stands for:

I will strive to always follow the Golden Rule and contribute to positive outcomes for the organizations I work for and the communities in which we are all a part of.

First and foremost, he sounds like a good person.  A great place to start. And, remember, kids, this district, which Ernie Lopez is vacating, offers a tremendous pick-up opportunity for the D’s.

3. Gun Rights Leader Files Committee For–Kent County Levy Court.  6th Levy Court District. Waitaminit–didn’t somebody file for that same position last week? Yep, Mark Maguire, another R.  Anyway, this Rethug is all guns, all the time.  Wonder what he has in mind for Kent County Levy Court…

What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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