DL Open Thread: Friday, December 3, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 3, 2021

Rethugs Will Pay The Price When Roe v Wade Is Overturned.  Here’s why the Democratic ‘gloom-‘n-doom’ narrative perpetuated by Politico and (oxymoron alert) centrist think-tanks can be obsolete almost overnight:

What’s clear is that Republicans are already ducking for cover on abortion. But GOP wishful thinking aside, if the Supreme deals a major blow to Roe with its ruling next summer, it will be nothing short of explosive. What was once a hypothetical matter will immediately become a raging state-by-state battle that figures very poorly for Republicans, particularly in swing states that Biden won but that are controlled by Republicans—think Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona. It’s also a wedge issue in the making—one in which Democrats can potentially cleave away some GOP leaners and independents from Republicans.

As Amy Walter pointed out on The Bulwark Podcast, abortion rights will also become central to every statewide race.

“If ultimately what we get to is a situation where there is no constitutional right, and each and every state, then, makes its own rules on this, every single governor’s race in the country is going to be a referendum on this issue,” Walter said.

She also noted that losing abortions rights could enlist the participation of a whole new generation of voters in politics for the first time.

“We are going to get an entire community of voters … many of whom have never lived in a world without Roe v. Wade, to become engaged on this,” Walter posited, “and I do think it is going to be an incredible motivating tool, not just for Democrats writ large but in terms of voters who may not even be particularly engaged in politics.”

Of course, we’d rather have the precedent remain in place.  But I believe that consequences for Rethugs will be stark–and swift– when the Trump court overturns established judicial precedent.

Delaware Statute Ensures Continued Protections Under Roe v Wade Even After Supreme Court Overturns It:

In 2017, Democrats in the General Assembly passed a law that asserted (?) Roe v. Wade protections if the federal case is overturned. At the time, they feared the opinions of Supreme Court justices who were yet to be appointed by President Donald Trump.

Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend, a Democrat from Newark who sponsored the 2017 legislation, said Delaware’s protections could be in jeopardy if the court rules that the U.S. Constitution guarantees rights to a fetus even at conception.

Such a ruling would be more aggressive than overruling Roe v. Wade, he said.

“If they were to go that far with their ruling — which they could — then it could overrule every single abortion protection across the United States,” Townsend said.

“Delaware is in a strong position in regard to abortion access thanks to lawmakers and advocates who recognized the importance of securing this care,” said Planned Parenthood of Delaware President and CEO Ruth Lytle-Barnaby in a statement on Tuesday. “Planned Parenthood of Delaware is grateful to have strong leaders fighting for access.”

Michigan School Shooter’s Parents Are Despicable.  The dad purchased the semi-automatic weapon and gave it to his son four days before the shootings–despite the son having posted numerous death threats online. The mom?:

Ethan Crumbley’s mother, Jennifer Crumbley, 43, worked as a real estate broker in the Oxford area.  Jennifer penned an open letter to President-elect Donald Trump, which she posted on her blog, in November 2016.

“Mr. Trump, I actually love that you are a bad public speaker because that showed sincerity, and humility,” she wrote. “You changed your mind, and you said ‘so what.’ You made the famous ‘grab them in the pussy’ comment, did it offend me? No. I say things all the time that people take the wrong way, do I mean them, not always. Do I agree that you should of [sic] shown your tax returns? No. I don’t care what you do or maybe don’t pay in taxes, I think those are personal and if the Gov’t can lock someone up over $10,000 of unpaid taxes and you slipped on by, then that shows the corruption.”

“As a female and a Realtor, thank you for allowing my right to bear arms,” the letter continued. “Allowing me to be protected if I show a home to someone with bad intentions. Thank you for respecting that Amendment.”

It was signed, “A hard working Middle Class Law Abiding Citizen who is sick of getting fucked in the ass and would rather be grabbed by the pussy.”

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  1. Alby says:

    Ohio Republican Senate hopeful (and likely loser) J.D. Vance couldn’t even manage the minimal t-crossing and i-dotting required by the state of Delaware for his investment firm.

    From a Daily Beast exclusive:

    Records with the Delaware secretary of state show that the company’s registered agent, Cogency Global, resigned in March. One month later, the state changed the firm’s status to “cancelled.” Nayra had lost its business charter.

    Narya reconciled with Delaware on Nov. 10, after paying an administrative fine and once again securing Cogency Global as its agent. While the circumstances surrounding the resignation are unclear, corporate law experts say the most common reason is simply a company’s failure to pay the agent its annual fee.

    It’s ultimately no big deal, but it shows that in most regards Vance is a poseur, but he has taken an important Trump trait to heart — failing to pay his bills, no matter how small.
