When America Surrenders to Fascism, Will You Stay or Go?

Filed in National by on December 3, 2021

The item below was posted to the “Even More Patriotic Patriots for Delaware” FB page. I agree with the sentiment 100%.

The Democratic Party “leadership” doesn’t have any fight in it, mostly because they are doing ok, and suppose they will continue to do ok event after the end of democracy. Many of them are probably correct. People like Chris Coons, for example have transnational family fortunes so they can afford to be the token Democrats to provide the veneer of a republic. The same goes for the media. They continue to cover the advance of fascism as if it is some jolly parlor game.

“In the end, a plurality of Americans, if not a majority, through tacit consent or just plain indifference, are surrendering to the neofascist tide and allowing themselves to be submerged in it. Trump’s followers and other ‘conservatives’ are energized by their belief that the rising fascist tide will carry them back to their imagined ‘greatness’ as the ‘real Americans’. They will be drowned too — that will just take longer.
“America’s supposed pro-democracy leaders should be rallying the people to resist the Republican fascist assault. Most are not. In the most high-profile example, President Joe Biden is choosing to publicly embrace ‘bipartisanship’, in the empty hope that the Democratic Party’s legislative successes will somehow blunt the power of the Republican-fascist movement.
“Meanwhile, the mainstream news media remains trapped in obsolescent norms of ‘fairness’, ‘balance’ and ‘objectively’, rather than engaging in the type of pro-democracy advocacy journalism demanded by the country’s escalating political crises.”
As I see it, the Democratic Party lacks the will to confront fascism with direct action; the MSM doesn’t have the courage to put Republican fascism on blast; and “moderates” across the political spectrum are capitulating far more than they’re resisting.

I only supported the Democratic Party in the last election in hopes of buying enough time to execute an exit plan, but neofascist normalization is accelerating far faster than I had anticipated. I’m not trying to be an alarmist, but I genuinely fear for the future of our country. Nor am I being hyperbolic when I refer to the Republican Party as a neo-fascist death cult engaged in zero-sum politicking that poses an existential threat to future of American democracy.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    If/when the end comes, the wealthy will be able to leave and the poor will likely be left to suffer. It will be a fitting end to the Republic.

    Of course, when this happened to Rome, they didn’t have nukes.

  2. Harold says:

    Yep. Agree with it all.

    Genuinely wonder if I will need to look into moving to another country in a few years. It’s only gonna get worse.

    At least I can hope that maybe one day the Trump sycophants and cultists will realize how screwed they are too. Unfortunately, that would only come after it’s far too late.

    • ben says:

      If America falls to fascism, so will most of the rest of the world. Without us, Europe becomes part of Russia. Most of Asia gets absorbed into China. Dark days ahead.. Best to dig in and take as many as you can with you.

  3. puck says:

    I feel a Song of the Day coming on after this post…

    • Mike Dinsmore says:

      For starters:

      Old Man’s Song: Ian Campbell
      When the Wind Blows: Eric Bogle
      How Can It End: Peter Nardini
      End of the World: Skeeter Davis (Yes, I know…)
      It’s the End of the World as We Know it: REM
      Protect and Survive: John Clifton
      Take the Children and Run: Don Lange
      Glad All Over: Dave Clark Five (Yes, I know…)

      Take your pick, or add some more.

      Think I’ll go and binge watch “Threads,” “Testament,” and “When the Wind Blows” just for laughs.

  4. john sykes says:

    Nationally, the situation is crazy. Closer to home, I’m wondering just how radicalized is Delaware?

    • mouse says:

      The party is nothing but kooks, angry uneducated lower class paranoid white folk and religious heretics promoting anti abortion ideology in place of the gospels. It’s sad because there actually used to be reasonable and even liberal leaning folk in the republican party but they ran all of them out and now it’s laughable which means the democrats can be lame, self serving and corrupt and still look better by default than the republicans. How sad for our corrupt little state