Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 12/10: Stevie Wonder, “One Little Christmas Tree”

I feel bad breaking my rule about 12 days of Christmas music, and ONLY 12 days of Christmas music*, but the “personalities” of Fox News are having such a meltdown over an arsonist destroying the Christmas tree outside their studios — slow-witted Brian Kilmeade said it was a “hate crime” — I felt I had no choice.

Besides, I would never feature something as mawkish as this seldom-covered 1967 clunker by Motown songwriters Ron Miller and Bryan Wells, who penned a few of Wonder’s early hits (“For Once in My Life,” “Yester-Me, Yester-You, Yesterday”). I invoke it here because yo, Fuxhounds — it was one little Christmas tree.**

*The festivities commence on Dec. 14.

**Actually, it was more a wire frame than a tree, and it wasn’t little — it was 50 feet tall and decorated in those Real ‘Murcan Christmas colors, red, white and blue. Fox claims the loonball who torched it caused $500,000 in damages, which seems like a lot. Rockefeller Center’s tree is 79 feet tall and covered with 25,000 Swarovski crystals, not a bunch of Independence Day remainders, yet its cost is estimated at a reasonable-by-comparison $1.5 million.

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