Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday December 13 2021

Chris Wallace, who some regard as a legitimate journalist,   is leaving Fox so there is officially no need to go on pretending that Fox is a legitimate news station. Of course Chris Coons will continue going on, and they will still get credentials for shit. The jolly game will continue apace. It is all a fucking joke.

True blue idiot, Lauren Boebert tweeted:

365,348 children went missing in 2020. You haven’t heard a word from the media about it. There enlies (sic) the problem.

Dem scolds and pedantic schoolmarms rushed to point out that “there enlies” is not English.  Lost in the pointing and laughing was the other error.  Fewer than 350 people  under the age of 21 are kidnapped by strangers per year in the USA.  She was only off by about 365,000.

In the largest strike happening right now in the United States, 3,000 student workers at New York City’s Columbia University are on their fifth week of strike. On December 8th the student workers are called on other faculty members to help them shut down the university.  Last Monday, many Columbia faculty members did walk out of their classes in a show of solidarity. “Graduate student labor is the invisible labor of the university,” says Jack Halberstam, professor of gender studies and English at Columbia University. “We’re bankrupting a whole generation in order to provide more profits for the university.”

Columbia could easily pay all of the Graduate students a living wage, and buy them each an apartment.  It ended 2021 with an operating surplus of $150 million AND an endowment right now that is over $14 billion.  Thats $14,000,0000,000

If you could save $10,000 every single day, then it would only take you 3,836 years to save 14 billion.


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