DL Open Thread Monday December 20 2021

Filed in National by on December 20, 2021

Are you guys re-masking up in public?  Are you re-burrowing in and not going out except to visit a state park for some fresh air, or for groceries?  Has anyone reading this canceled a flight recently?   If you answer yes to any of these questions, you are probably just a few days ahead of the rest of us.

The Delaware Division of Public Health reported 420 hospitalizations in its Sunday summary.

The 420 figure is within striking distance of the record 474 hospitalizations reported early this year.

On Friday, DPH reported 1,079 new cases, the highest number since early January of this year. New cases have risen rapidly during the fall after falling below 150. The total number of cases dropped to 719.

The number of Covid-related deaths remained unchanged at 2,242.

If some good comes from the death of Biden’s domestic agenda, perhaps it will also be the final death of Chris Coons pretending that a “Secret Bipartisan Caucus” is hiding in the wings, ready to swoop in and save the Republic.  Coons obviously can’t even get Republicans who claim to be Democrats to fall under the spell of Holy Bipartisanship anymore.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) was one of several Democrats who spoke to Manchin on the Senate floor for several minutes on Wednesday, although it did not appear to be a particularly upbeat conversation.

Here’s a round-up of headlines all dealing with the fact that Biden trusted Joe Manchin when he shouldn’t have.  The Wall Street Journal and Fox News are particularly ghoulish and gleeful.

Mr Boric’s victory prompted celebrations on the streets of the capital Santiago, with his supporters waving flags and honking car horns.

In his speech, Mr Boric said he was taking on the job with humility and a “tremendous sense of responsibility”, vowing to “firmly fight against the privileges of a few”.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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    • jason330 says:

      When Trump takes over again at least will be spared the spectacle of watching his regime inexorably become a corrupt oligarchy, since it is beginning as a corrupt oligarchy.

  1. bamboozer says:

    On a lighter note Yes, I’m remasking and have been for several weeks now. Never stopped social distancing. I suspect we’re all fully vacinated, the deplorables not so much as they continue to croak at a much higher rate. Cool, ask and thou shalt receive.

  2. Hop-Frog says:

    Intriguing to see the similarity of the flag of Chile to that of Texas. It’s even called La Estrella Solitaria — the Lone Star.

    That star, though, is said to actually represent the planet Venus, which is prominent in the western sky hereabouts on these long winter nights.

    • jason330 says:

      Very close. Chile had it 22 years earlier. The “star” that was first used was an eight sided indigenous depiction of Venus.

      This from wikipedia:

      The main symbol of this flag is the star of Arauco, called guñelve, representing the flower of the canelo and the bright star of Venus. In the independence of Chile, Bernardo O’Higgins said that guñelve was the direct inspiration for creating the Chilean flag with the Lone Star.