DL Open Thread Tuesday December 21st 2021

Filed in National by on December 21, 2021

On this day in 1937 the Lincoln Tunnel, under the Hudson River, opened to traffic, connecting Weehawken, New Jersey to Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Nowadays the only legitimate use of government money is to buy drones for the army and yachts for Northern Virginia’s drone salesmen.

The flag of Hudson County, NJ

 This is a little old, but I’m up for a little good news for a change.

LA Sheriff Promises Vaccine Mandate Will Cause ‘Mass Exodus’ Of Cops

The Los Angeles County Sheriff said the COVID-19 vaccine mandate meant to protect the public will cause nearly half of his department to quit.

In a Thursday letter to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Sheriff Alex Villanueva lamented a potential “mass exodus” of police officers if he were to enforce the rule.

“If I were to follow your mandate, I could potentially lose 44 percent of my workforce in one day,” Villanueva wrote. “I cannot enforce reckless mandates that put the public’s safety at risk.”

Sounds good.  Buh-bye!  Also, the Sherff is apparently a virologist:

“With the pandemic waning, there is no justification for your mandate,” Villanueva wrote. “This mandate is like putting up storm windows after the storm has passed.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Let ’em leave, the police will be the better for it, enough with the stupid vaccine games that Trump instigated and encouraged.

  2. Delawarelefty says:

    Why would you want to give a gun and badge to someone too stupid to protect their selves, loved ones and the public that they serve? The mandate purge will get rid of a lot of bad apples.

  3. Time Mag’s Man Of The Year Is An Anti-Vaxxer:


    “SpaceX has had an outbreak of 132 coronavirus cases at its headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif., according to the Los Angeles County Health Department, as the hard-charging space company founded by Elon Musk has kept a torrid pace of rocket launches heading into the new year….”

    “…This is not the first time outbreaks have been reported at facilities led by Musk.

    Last year, Musk defied efforts by local officials to shut down his Tesla plant in the San Francisco area despite a countywide stay-home order, daring officials to arrest him. “Tesla is restarting production today against Alameda County rules,” Musk wrote on Twitter in May 2020. “I will be on the line with everyone else. If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.”

    “County-level data obtained by a legal transparency website covering the months between May and December last year showed there were about 450 total reported cases at the plant, which employs about 10,000, The Post previously reported.

    Tesla also came under fire for its treatment of employees after some who expressed concern about coronavirus exposure said they were issued termination notices after they did not return to work, The Post reported last year.”

    BTW, I know that virtually nobody cares about Time’s Man Of The Year any more. But, has there ever been a weaker rationale for one’s selection?