DL Open Thread Wednesday December 22 2021

Filed in National by on December 22, 2021

Biden’s Praise of Trump was a MAGAT MindFuck Intended to Push Them Away From Vaccinations

That is not true, or course, but I thought that headline should reside somewhere on the inter-webs. 

(CNN)President Joe Biden on Tuesday gave credit to the Trump administration for the development of the Covid-19 vaccine and praised his predecessor, Donald Trump, for getting a booster shot — marking a rare moment where the two men have found common ground since Inauguration Day.

“I got my booster shot as soon as they were available,” Biden said during a speech from the White House about his administration’s efforts to address the Omicron variant of Covid-19, adding, “and just the other day former President Trump announced he had gotten his booster shot.”
Biden insists he and Manchin will ‘get something done’ after Build Back Better setback
Biden insists he and Manchin will ‘get something done’ after Build Back Better setback
“It may be one of the few things he and I agree on,” Biden continued. “People with booster shots are highly protected. Join them. Join us.”



Trump, Still Not in Jail, To Hold Press Conference on Jan 6th

Former President Donald Trump Tuesday vowed to hold a news conference on the first anniversary of the storming of the Capitol as he steps up his campaign to whitewash the Jan. 6 attack.

A day after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a “solemn observance” of the violent attack, Trump on Tuesday said he would offer his own spectacle claiming the historic insurrection attempt was nothing more than a peaceful protest. “The election was the insurrection,” Trump told Newsmax, “The January 6 day was not the insurrection, that was the ‘protest.’”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Nobody should cover that ‘press conference’. Everybody will.

  2. mouse says:

    We’re a failed nation. Taken down by a crude cruel narcissistic reality show carnival barker authoritarian buffoon with an army of white trash scapegoating bigoted rubes.

    • Arthur says:

      I do believe we are where we are because of what our nation respects and holds in high esteem – you are correct, we are a nation enamored with reality show stars and snake oil salesmen (women) and we can’t and won’t go back. pandora’s box is open

  3. Geobumm says:

    Well, I guess in a way the election was an insurrection. Everyone rose up by the millions to throw your fat ass out of office. Albeit legally and by the book. Your illegal protest which you fomented on the other hand…..

    I agree, the best punishment for Trump, besides jail, is indifference to his existence. No news coverage, a shrug to anything he says, and move on. Sadly, the damn algorithms and news outlets won’t let that happen as Americans are addicted to the dopamine hit that comes with the coverage.

  4. Hop-Frog says:

    There won’t be any mention of ol’ Spanky in the print version of The News Journal on Friday and Saturday for a simple reason — there won’t be any.

    Today’s front page carries a notice stating that “because of the holiday” Thursday’s paper will be a “combined edition” for the next three days. In a move I’ll bet will most rile diehard print subscribers, the comics and puzzles (crossword, sudoku, etc.) for the two missing days will be available only online. I’ve been told that those features are a prime reason many older folks still subscribe to what newsroom wags refer to as “the dead tree edition.”

    It remains to be seen whether this will lead to the NJ cutting regular publication days, a move resorted to by other papers in past years, but it ain’t promising.