Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday Jan 3rd 2021

Happy snow day!  This is being typed on Jan 3rd at 00:05 so I’m just going to assume that majestic, powdery dunes of snow have piled up outside of our doors whilst we snoozed.  Right?  No?  Dang.

Well, let’s see.  What’s new?  First of all – my 2021 media blackout is now my 2022 media blackout.  I know El Som’s knees are beginning to give out from carrying me, but I don’t have the heart to watch Biden’s floundering as his fellow corporatist Democrats bury knife after knife in his back.  At least by undermining Biden they aren’t setting the table for a full scale GOP takeover of congress.   Wait… yes they are.  Never mind.

Anyway, It is hard to be interested in the fortunes of a political party (or a country for that matter) that demonstrates so little interest in continuing as a going concern.

And yet, I have a brain and a conscience and they urge me to action.  So I guess I’ll get involved with the Working Families Party.   What the heck.  The Empire State has a decent liberal party and it makes their Democratic Party a better party.  (Chuck Schumer not withstanding.)

I’ll also continue to get most of my news from El Som’s posts, from the Delaware Call and from REV’s excellent Podcast series – The Highlands Bunker.

If you are an incorrigible lefty haven’t listened to the most recent episode, just do it.




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