DL Open Thread Wednesday December 5th 2022 – Our Media is Totally Fucked, and Fucking Us Over

Filed in National by on January 5, 2022

The structural advantages that conservatives enjoy in our electoral system are well known. (The Electoral College giving the losing candidate two victories, the Senate not representing a majority of Americans, the supermajority requirement imposed by the Senate filibuster, etc).  Writing for the New York Times,  Osita Nwanevu looks  beyond those advantages to point the finger of blame for Jan 6th at our shitty media.

He makes a very convincing case that our  shitty media has amplified the conservative minorities own sense of its size and power to the point where conservatives honestly think that Trump won the election.

The tendency of journalists to measure the wisdom of policies and rhetoric based on their distance from the preferences of conservative voters only reinforces the idea that it’s fair for politicians, activists and voters on the left to take the reddest parts of the country into account without the right taking a reciprocal interest in what most Americans want.

That premise still dominates and constrains strategic thinking within the Democratic Party. A year after the Capitol attack and all the rent garments and tears about the right’s radicalism and the democratic process, the party has failed to deliver promised political reforms, thanks to opposition from pivotal members of its own Senate caucus — Democrats who argue that significantly changing our system would alienate Republicans.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Four different criminal cases against Andrew Cuomo evaporate when exposed to the bright light of the law:
