Slow Motion General Strike Continues – Record 4.5 million Americans quit jobs in November

Filed in National by on January 5, 2022

The jig is up. Late stage capitalism simply does not work for workers. A very large number of younger workers have lost all faith in the notion that capitalism exists to benefit them in some way. To that I say, FUCK YEAH.

Demand for workers in the U.S. remained historically elevated in November, with job openings holding near an all-time high and the number of individuals quitting their jobs reaching a record amid the ongoing pandemic.

Pictured: A super-capitalist exploiter looking like a slapped ass.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Alby says:

    But God forbid we allow more immigrants into the country to fill those jobs.

    • puck says:

      Yes, something must be done to give our suffering businesses relief from the need to pay higher wages and provide better working conditions! This “worker leverage” business needs to be stopped immediately before it becomes a permanent part of our economh!

    • Claymonster says:

      “RE Vanella says:
      January 5, 2022 at 11:33 am

      ….which extract wealth & resources from workers on starvation wages and the non properous global south.

      This exploitation is very well regulated. Also enforced by violence.

      The declining rate of profit will accelerate the exploitation.”

      Huh. Definitely not talking about any European social democracies here.

  2. puck says:

    Capitalism is like fire, neither good nor bad. It can either warm your house, or burn it down, depending on how you control it.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Could say the same thing about feudalism also

      • puck says:

        The prosperous social democracies are powered by well-regulated corporations.

        • RE Vanella says:

          ….which extract wealth & resources from workers on starvation wages and the non properous global south.

          This exploitation is very well regulated. Also enforced by violence.

          The declining rate of profit will accelerate the exploitation.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Um… Looking for a job and no one is beating my door down (as the Fascist strike force has yet to mobilize). Perhaps it’s the glaring seven years of retirement, perhaps I should leave my degree from the U. of Delaware off the application? Or perhaps it’s because I won’t work in retail, fast food or long haul trucking. Sucky jobs remain sucky jobs that nobody really wants. Pay them better and you’ll fill them.

    • xyz says:

      Develop some skills employers are willing to pay for and you’ll get a job.

    • puck says:

      “retail, fast food or long haul trucking”

      All of those jobs can’t go away soon enough for me. Or at least most of them.

      On-premises retail is dead, except maybe for certain specialty shops. Brick and mortar stores can’t afford to keep a seductive array of inventory in stock the way they used to.

      Fast food? won’t miss you when you are gone. In case you haven’t noticed, it is no longer either fast or cheap. Learn to cook quick meals on Youtube.

      Long haul trucking should be replaced by freight rail and local distribution centers.

      For all the displaced workers, there has to be UBI. But politically UBI won’t come until the workers are actually displaced.