Delaware Political Weekly: December 31, 2021-January 6, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 7, 2022

Some reporters, like Frank Farenthold, are especially skilled at deciphering financial ledgers and the like.  That’s not my strength. Although–I’ve gotten better.  Sufficiently better so that I can share some nuggets from the year-end financial reports that have already been uploaded, with many more to come.  Here’s some interesting stuff I’ve uncovered:

1. Sore loser John Viola has maxed out to a primary challenger to Madinah Wilson-Anton.  Viola closed out his campaign account. $600 of it went to Kelly Williams Maresca, who has filed as a D to primary Madinah Wilson-Anton in RD 26. Not sure when Maresca changed her registration, but she had previously been a registered R.  Andria Viola Bennett learned her lessons about ethical bankruptcy well from her daddy.  Or had you forgotten this?  He and DeLuca double-dipped on behalf of racist construction trades workers with the full imprimatur of Governors Minner and Markell.

2.  Gee, look who the anti-union ABC Merit Shop PAC has donated to.  Of course, you have the usual suspects–Ruth Briggs King, Kent County Republican Committee, Ernie Lopez, Mike Smith, and Lyndon Yearick.  But, then, on April 7, 2021, the anti-union shop cut checks of $300 each to Val Longhurst and Nicole Poore. The only D’s the PAC so gifted.  Hmmm, wonder what the quid pro quo for those donations was.  I’m guessing something to do with the Underground City At Ft. DuPont, but it’s just a guess.

3.  Very pleased with Progressive Democrats Of Delaware donations.  This year, they maxed out to Eric Morrison, Marie Pinkney and Becca Cotto.  Deserving recipients, all.

4.  Greg Lavelle planning a rerun of 2018?  He’s got over $58K salted away, although he didn’t do any fundraising this year.  I, um, don’t like his chances.

5.  When is a $75 K nest egg not a $75K nest egg?  When (a) it’s money left over from a 2010 run for State Auditor, and (b) when the entire amount reflects loans to the campaign from the candidate.  Who was that candidate?  I’ll give you three clues: (a) oleaginous;  (b) George Hamilton without the self-deprecation; and (c) one of the many suckers who thought Cathy Cloutier was gonna marry him.

You’re right, Richard Korn. I’d forgotten he’d run for office, but he edged out (talk about non-entities) Ken Matlusky in that 2010 Auditor’s primary, then lost to Tom Wagner.  I guess a campaign committee is a good place to park $75 K if, say, you don’t want anybody else to get ahold of them.

What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    $300? It is amazing how cheaply some of these people can be purchased.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      That’s just for this cycle. Man, am I gonna have to go back and see what they’ve done previously…?

      I want my pay at least doubled!

  2. Claymonster says:

    Who cares about anti-trade unionists? The Delaware teachers and the cop unions are the sacred cows that will not be lead to slaughter. On the other hand, take a drive through the parking lot of the IBEW or the plumbers/steamfitters union, and take note of some of those decals on the lifted, blacked ou,t $70k trucks.

    Unions supply cash but their voting membership isn’t on the same page. Bust ’em up and knock their membership down a peg.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Teachers’ unions and cop unions, eh? They don’t belong in the same sentence together. Cops are armed and have successfully placed themselves above the law.

      Gotta say, little of what you post here makes sense.

      • Claymonster says:

        We both agree, not all unions are equally valid

        I associate cop and teacher unions because a) they are both public sector and b) they are not under any real threat of being curtailed in Delaware.

        I have it out for the trade unions because their membership has been supplanted by overpaid, racist white trash. Their dues may support /some/ Dem candidates but their membership is largely Trumpian. As far as I’m concerned, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


  3. nunya says:

    RED FLAG on the Maresca candidate. Her Facebook profile is Kelly WM. This is a popular technique with Trumpers who don’t use their full name because they don’t want people to find them on Facebook because they tend to post such awful, misanthropic, Trumpy things.

    SECOND RED FLAG: One of her campaign surrogates put up a post yesterday espousing Maresca’s “pro-gun” opinions. The surrogate? Erin Chronister, who has LITTERED Facebook with anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-Biden, pro-Trump crazy over the last few years.

    THIRD RED FLAG: The comments and tagged people in the above-mentioned Facebook post are littered with a who’s who of Patriots for Delaware folks: Terry Baker, Jeanie Wooters, Clint Brothers, Denise Clendenning, and more.

    What the hell is John Viola thinking? Who is this woman?

  4. ScarletWoman says:

    El, go immediately to Facebook and search for Greg Lavelle. I do not know why these have been showing up in my feed …. but … yesterday he posted a long hit piece on Darius Brown. Other posts have popped up very recently. Check out his banner: apparently he thinks he is still in the Senate! Also, check out the comments on the Brown post. A glowing one from Tommy Gordon’s erstwhile special friend.

  5. El Somnambulo says:

    Lavelle’s always been a Rethug attack dog.

    R’s running against a Black guy. Dog bites man.