Weekend Revisit: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bardea (w/Jordan Howell)

Filed in National by on January 8, 2022

What’s the missing ingredient in the Delaware left? I agree with Rob that it is a killer instinct.

I already listened this episode of the Highlands Bunker, but I’m revisiting it this weekend. If you a an incorrigible lefty like me, it is really worth a listen.

Highlands Bunker 

Delaware Call Editor Emeritus Jordan Howell joins Rob and Karl in the bunker to sum up the year by talking about media criticism, the effectiveness of confrontational organizing, and Twitter’s new favorite movie Don’t Look Up.

Show Notes:


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Claymonster says:

    REVs beef with Chris Barrish is more representative of the problems with the Delaware democratic party than “lack of killer instinct” Rob isn’t a professional journalist and doesn’t have to maintain a standard of decorum to get access; he ought to show a bit more deference to those who actually report for a living. The needless energy expended in this petty, backbiting behavior is energy not spent on going after Purzycki, Tracy, and their various functionaries on City council.

    I did hear about REV’s encounter with Shotgun Joe through a third party and was impressed; the killer instinct is clearly alive and well at the grassroots level.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Fair critique..

    I follow Barrish’s reporting. I think I said it’s excellent. Just don’t expect him to break any stories or challenge the politically powerful. His articles will be the best on the topics that every other outlet covers. So who benefits from the standard of decorum?

    I guess the real issue is we used to get good reporting plus local commentary columns (opinion/OpEd). The latter is no longer on offer. Who challenges Purzycki BPG in local media? Nobody, because they’re proud of their access and credibility.

    And yeah most people don’t know me and think it’s at act. That’s good for me. Everyone please keep thinking this.