Delaware Liberal

Who is Delaware’s Most Mediocre Democrat?

We know the good ones. We know the bad ones (The Dems that have sold their souls and votes for a few measly bucks, or for a spot a little closer to power [Coons, Longhurst, Poore, Pete, KMcG etc]). But there is a whole layer of Democratic elected officials that don’t get much mention because they do just enough to stay off the radar.

I know. That is  “bad” from an objective perspective. I mean, they’ve been elected to get shit done for ordinary Delawareans not just mark time and collect a pension. But that style of failure isn’t aggressively bad like the terrible office-holding shitheads like Chris Coons. And while a few of these Dems were dis-invited by voters to continue using up Leg Hall oxygen in the last round of Democratic Party primaries, many continue to hide in plain sight.

My list of the top mediocre starts with the overly ambitious Bethany Hall Long. What does she stand for? That’s easy, she truly believes in the next rung of the ladder. I’d also put the terminally-uninterested John Carney on the “bad through sheer mediocrity” list. Who are your top picks?

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