DL Open Thread Monday January 10th 2022

Filed in National by on January 10, 2022

Well, the news blackout was in fine form this weekend, so just a couple of important items made it through the filter:

    • Ending debtors prison in Delaware

    • Holding unvaccinated dipshits accountable through health insurance, and

    • Delaware’s most mediocre Dems

In Delaware, a single misdemeanor with a $100 fine can balloon into hundreds of dollars in fees owed to the courts. These fees are not intended as a punishment or deterrent — their purpose is to generate money to pay for certain government functions.

Imposing fines and fees on those who are unable to pay has created a de facto debtors’ prison in Delaware, harming our communities and trapping residents in a destructive cycle of poverty. Use the link to support HB 244 and join the Campaign to End Debtors’ Prisons.

French President Emmanuel Macron is so frustrated with idiot ant-vaxxers and “irresponsible” assholes that he just wants to “piss them off” by making their lives so complicated they’d prefer to get vaccinated.  I agree.  It is time.  

But this is America where ALL power resides in the states, the President is a impotent figurehead (unless a Republican), and the Federal government exists only for ceremonial purposes – so what to do?  

…there is one way to hold unvaccinated Americans accountable for putting themselves and others at risk: make them pay more for health insurance through surcharges and eliminating paid time off when they are sick while offering financial incentives (including lower deductibles) for fully vaccinated Americans who enroll in wellness programs.

There is a whole congealed layer of Democratic elected officials that don’t get much mention because they do just enough to stay off the radar. Help us name & shame Delaware’s most mediocre Democrats.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Anyone who hasn’t signed the letter in support of HB 244 to her end debtors prison really needs to go ahead and do that.

  2. Andrew C says:

    Mask mandate is back on, as of tomorrow morning.


    About 6 weeks too late, but it’ll help a little I guess. Hospitals are absolutely on fire here in Bayhealth country.