Coons “seriously weighing” filibuster options

Filed in National by on January 11, 2022

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), who helped organize a bipartisan letter backing up the legislative filibuster in 2017, said he’s “seriously weighing” what to do.

“Part of the point of this week is for us to remain curled up in the floor to demonstrate our commitment to finding a bipartisan solution.  It is my firm belief that my good friends and colleagues on the other side of the isle will grow tired of kicking us and perhaps catch a cramp in their kicking legs.  That pause in the kicking will open up a good avenue for dialogue which will allow us to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Restoration Act without changing the rules of the Senate,” Coons said.

Coons getting candid with Politico.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Actually, the blockquote begins with the text from Politico but transitions imperceptibly into satire.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Want to curb the almighty filibuster and not give the Coons of this world an escape route? Go traditional and return to the talking filibuster. Make it what it was and return to the endurance contests of old. Claim the high ground of “Tradition” and give the finger to McConnell while your at it.

  3. puck says:

    As usual Democrats are failing framing. Stop talking about “filibuster reform” like some dweeby technocrat. Instead say things like:

    “Allow the Senate to debate each bill!”
    “Vote every bill up or down!”
    “Read the bill!”

    • jason330 says:

      How about “save the real traditional filibuster”. or “save the filibuster” Fucking simple.

      But I’m not some on the DC consultancy dole pulling down $350k a year from the DNC for my deep thoughts.

      It is almost as if DC democrats don’t want to win.