Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wed December 12th 2021

OMG.  It is so tiresome.  Under-President Biden (who is wholly powerless) goes to Georgia and says we need to get rid of the filibuster.  President-in-Fact Machin says no.   Blah, bah, blah.

We all know that no voting rights protections will be voted on, but it will take hundreds of thousands of hours of a TV “analysis” to get there.

In more non-breaking news – If you’ve been near a TV or computer in the past few years, you now that Senator Rand Paul is a dick.

‘You personally attack me:’ Fauci fires back at Sen. Paul in heated exchange

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Senator Rand Paul spar during a Senate health hearing and Dr. Fauci says he has received death threats while working to end the pandemic because of Paul’s false claims.

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