Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread For Thursday, January 13, 2022

No ‘Jibby-Jabby’ For This Jibber-Jabberer. With the inevitable outcome.  This Super-Spreader event in Texas has been extraordinarily successful in thinning out the herd:

Canon had announced on Facebook in November that her employer granted her a religious exemption for the COVID-19 vaccine.

“No jabby-jabby for me! Praise GOD!” she wrote at the time.

More recently, Canon had been an outspoken critic of COVID-19 vaccine mandates and pandemic-related restrictions. In one of her final Facebook posts, Canon shared several links to speeches she attended at a “COVID symposium” in Burleson in early December devoted to dissuading people from getting the COVID-19 vaccines that are currently available. The event was organized by God Save Our Children, which bills itself as “a conservative group that is fighting against the use of experimental vaccines on our children.”

Trump Disses–Ron DeSantis?  Perhaps it’s finally dawned on him that his followers are being killed off.  Or perhaps fears a challenge from him:

Former President Donald Trump appeared to snap at Gov. Ron DeSantis in a new interview with One America News Network, where he bashed unnamed politicians who won’t say whether they’ve gotten a booster shot. “I watched a couple of politicians be interviewed and one of the questions was, ‘Did you get the booster?’” Trump told the outlet. “Because they had the vaccine, and they’re answering like — in other words, the answer is ‘yes,’ but they don’t want to say it, because they’re gutless. You gotta say it, whether you had it or not, say it.”

NYC Mayor Blames Tenants For Bronx Fire Tragedy.  Not the demonstrably-negligent building owners.  I’m getting Dennis P. Williams vibes:

It’s notable that one of the owners of the Bronx building, Rick Gropper, is a member of the Adams transition team, a landing space for those who are likely to have influence over the new administration. At least six violations, over the years, have been slapped on the building owners from the city’s department of housing preservation and development. Multiple violations cited problems with the doors, which are supposed to shut to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.

Theo’s Appeal Gets Dismissed.  His argument appeared to be that his corruption was officially sanctioned by his being a public official:

Gregory is still awaiting sentencing and recently filed a motion for judgment of acquittal. He argued that using his position as council president to earmark the grant money for himself and the nonprofit did not amount to an “official function.”

Uh, what else would earmarking government money for himself be considered?

What do you want to talk about?

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