Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, Jan. 14, 2022

How The Big Quit Happened. An absolute must-read from Mother Jones:

Quits are a Janus-faced piece of economic data—a sign of how bad our work politics have gotten, and also of hope that they could be better. It signals that people are fed up but also confident they can find new jobs, often better-paying ones. It can feel radical after living under the austerity provisions that have been a hallmark of neoliberal governments since the 1970s—which, as Amelia Horgan noted in Lost in Work: Escaping Capitalism, meant that “we, almost always, need a job more than a job needs us.”

For the past 40 years, MIT economist David Autor wrote in the New York Times, the United States has “generated vast numbers of low-paid, economically insecure jobs.” And given that we haven’t invested much in social infrastructure, some people are dropping out of the workforce because they are falling through the holes in our social safety net. Recent reporting shows workers are pissed off and burned out. This year has seen more vigorous organizing; there have been strikes and other actions by entertainment workers, John Deere employees, and Kaiser Permanente nurses. But it’s spread beyond the organized: From the white-collar workers reconsidering their life priorities, to the service industry staff tired of dealing with terrible customers, to low-wage laborers finding solidarity against the shit conditions laid bare by the pandemic, people are broadly opting out.

Dems DESERVE To Lose The Senate.  And, yes, Biden’s a big part of the problem.  Nobody fears him.  He’s out there begging. BEGGING.

A Couple Of Brief Rays Of Sunshine Amidst The Gloom.  $27 billion for aging bridges Clean Energy Corps to hire 1000 to address environmental issues.  The irony being, of course, that there’s a lot of good stuff happening, but the circular firing squad among the Senate D’s drown it all out.

Did Mike Pence Kill The Coup Via Parliamentary Procedures?  Signs point to yes:

So Pence avoided a coup by noting that the Parliamentarians had validated (by checking with each state’s Sec of State) which slate of electors were real and which were fraudulent? Well done, sir.

Hope he still has Secret Service protection.

Reno Developers Demolished Low-Income Housing For Casino Project, Promised To Build New Low-Income Housing. Didn’t Do It.  Stories like this make me want to join Jason’s self-imposed news blackout.  Corruption everywhere.  Which reminds me: In looking over the Delaware campaign finance reports, the Schell family is sure tossing a lot of cash around to legislators who don’t live in Sussex County.  Just thought you’d like to know.  Sussex Spies: What are they up to?  I mean, besides no-good.

Racist White Cop No Longer On Wilmington Police Force.  No official will say why.  But he’s been fired, no doubt about it.  What will be done to make sure he doesn’t reemerge with another police agency?  BTW, are cop buzz-cuts mandatory, or do they all want to be just like Marines?

What do you want to talk about?

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