Delaware Liberal

State Chamber Comes Out Against Anything Good

From their newsletter to their members:

SB1 – Healthy Delaware Families Act:

The bill would create a statewide paid family and medical leave insurance program. This latest version has undergone substantial revisions from the original bill that was introduced last year. The bill provides up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave for workers at companies with 10 or more employees and up to 6 weeks of paid medical and family caregiving leave for workers at companies with 25 or more employees. Employers with 25 or more employees are required to provide up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave and up to 6 weeks paid medical and family caregiving leave. Employers with 10 or more employees but less than 25 are only required to provide up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave.


  • State Chamber Position: Opposed and working to amend
  • Status: Released from the Senate Health and Social Services Committee and heads to the Senate for a full vote.

HB 262 – Data Brokers and Consumer Protections:

Representative Krista Griffith’s proposal would provide consumers with information on how their personal information is being used by data brokers. The State Chamber worked with Rep. Griffith to clarify the definition of data broker to ensure the bill only applies to data sellers and not collectors. The bill also contains a private right of action and we’re engaged in conversations with the sponsor to have it removed. View the amendment >


  • State Chamber Position: Opposed and working to amend
  • Status: Released from the House Technology Committee and is headed over to the House for a full vote.

HB 305 – Legalization of Marijuana:

The Delaware Marijuana Control Act legalizes the use of recreational marijuana. This bill is the updated version of HB 150, which was introduced last year, and includes no immunity from liability and spot test for impairment. The Delaware Manufacturing Association (DMA) expressed concerns with regards to employee safety and ensuring workers are not incapacitated while on the job. Section 1305 regarding places of employment has been removed from the bill. The bill still includes a social equity piece. View it here>


  • State Chamber Position: Opposed and working to amend
  • Status: Released from the House Health and Human Development Committee and is on its way to the House for a full vote.

Bear in mind that the Chamber had significant input into both SS1/SB 1 and HB 305…and still came out against them.  They can’t be trusted.

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