Delaware Political Weekly: Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 4, 2022

1.  RD 4 Special Election Set–Will District Committee Do The Right Thing?: Gerald Brady has resigned from the Delaware General Assembly.  The Special Election to replace him will be held on Saturday, March 5.  The respective district committees select the candidates, meaning there is no primary. The 4th RD Democratic Committee is set to meet this coming Monday, Feb. 7, to select their nominee.  The two names who have been mentioned are former Wilmington City Councilman Bud Freel and Red Clay School Board Member Dr. Andriana Bohm.

One, Freel, is running to be a lame-duck replacement for Brady as the current 4th RD ceases to exist this fall.  Which, of course, is not to say, that the residents of the 4th RD will be without representation.  Much of the city portion of the 4th will be absorbed into the 12th RD, currently represented by Krista Griffith.  The other candidate, Dr. Bohm, is not likely to be a lame duck, but could indeed seek to run in the newly-reconfigured district. If I lived in the 4th RD, I’d certainly want someone from my community to be the long-term replacement for Brady.  I think that any reasonable committee member would want the wishes of the voters in the district to be honored. Meaning, the question, IMO, is whether the fix is in, or whether the committee will even give two shits about what the voters want.

BTW, on one issue, at least, I think Freel would be helpful: He has consistently fought against slumlords who foist sub-standard housing on residents who have few choices.  So perhaps he could talk some sense into Stephanie Bolden.  Other than that–Bohm has a political future.  Freel, by his own admission, does not.

2. Russ Huxtable To Run For 6th Senate Seat!  I love his background, I love his issue positions, and I certainly think he can win.  He is a Democrat (Russ: please add that to all your social media ASAP), and about as progressive as anybody you’re gonna get from Sussex County.  I’m getting George Howard Bunting vibes, and he was one of my favorite all-time legislators. Jack Bucchioni has already filed for the 6th SD seat.  As long as the primary doesn’t turn nasty, and I don’t think it will, I think it will help the D’s as the focus will be on the two (or more?) candidates.  Not to mention–if Steve Smyk abandons his House seat to seek the SD spot, that would open up his RD for perhaps one of the candidates to opt for.

3. NCC Filings Coming Soon (So I’m Told).  I touched base w/NCC Democratic Chair Kat Caudle early this week. She told me that she and the Party had worked through the questions on setting the filing fees, and that candidates for NCC positions should be able to file with the Department of Elections by the end of this week.  I haven’t seen any filings from NCC yet (I just looked), but I have no reason to doubt her.

4.  Brenda Mennella Running In SD 9. Filed her campaign committee this week.  SD 9 is currently represented by Jack Walsh, who succeeded Karen Peterson, who succeeded Tom Sharp. Mennella appears to be a Reading Specialist in the Christina School District.  She’s a registered Republican.  Tough numbers to overcome in that district.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    Has any party ever set their filing fees at anything less than the maximum allowed? This seems like a charade.

    • I think the NCC delays were due to two things: (1) some of the Senate seats will only have two-year terms, while others will have four-year terms; and (2) they were still finishing up some of the county and city districts. Now, why only NCC had that problem, I can’t answer you.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        But didn’t the NCCo Rs set theirs already? That excuse makes no sense.

        I am legitimately wondering about the fees question, though.

        Why doesn’t the state take it out of the parties’ hands and set the fees at some reasonable, cost-neutral level? Do the parties actually incur any costs to run the election?

        • Don’t know about the NCC R’s. Although, to date no NCC R’s have filed.

          As to the fees, I think it’s a ‘pass-along’ to defray costs at the state level, but I honestly don’t know. Who does? Please help us out here.