Shama Lama Ding Dong

Filed in National by on February 8, 2022

Read the Delaware Call.  Then become a patron.

….a group of people who had previously decided that racism was not a big deal was in charge of deciding between a woman of color and a white man to represent their district in the upcoming election. In short, it was pretty much the epitome of the old-boys’ club “Delaware Way” that so many in Delaware are tired of being controlled by and are working to eradicate.


Also – If you haven’t yet, JOIN YOUR RD COMMITTEE!


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (28)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    When normal people come to our insular, incestuous little tax haven and observe how we do things it’s usually quite embarrassing for us.

    I enjoy it immensely. Especially watching the people who brag about being “in leadership.” Lol.

    Leaders inspire people to action, usually against the odds. People in leadership are basically like your boss. They got their spot based on nepotism, favoritism and seniority and you proceed in spite of their stupidity and ineptitude until something better comes up because you have no obvious alternative.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    I totally missed the breathless coverage of the Republican selection process. I’m hoping someone can provide a link to the incredibly open meeting that saw Mr. Ivermectin Esq. nominated.

    • I wonder if anyone else was even interested. What was the name of that self-styled Austro-Prussian Libertarian who had an R after his name? I can’t even remember now.

    • RE Vanella says:

      For sheer entertainment value, that would have been v dope, I agree.

      But let’s be honest, middle school basketball results are more relevant.

      By the way, are you bothered by this coverage? Do you have critiques? I’ll happily air them. Come defend the process.

      • The PROCESS was fair. The problem is that the RD committee is comprised of a majority of people whose influence peaked during the Frawley years, and are merely hanging on now. White, and full of Irish former movers and shakers.

        I don’t believe I saw one Black committee member. And certainly none of Gerald’s beloved Asian-Americans.

      • liberalgeek says:

        There are several processes that have been criticized. Some are laws. Some are well-established party processes.

        “Why can’t we have a primary???”

        Because there is literally no time to have a primary, by law. Ideally, we’d have a primary and then a general, but by the time we’d have a winner of a general election, it would give the winner 2 weeks of time in Leg Hall. But the law doesn’t allow that.

        You know what else is in the law? That this doesn’t have to be voted on at all. The NCC Chair has the power to appoint the candidate. The Chair, rightly, decided that the RD should make the selection and that she would abide by their decision. The Chairs also wanted to open the process to as many folks as possible to watch. Through the magic of Zoom, we had better participation than for the last few special elections (probably since County Council Prez was chosen 10+ years ago). And, not for nothing, it has been the same process for special elections for a decade or more.

        “Why do these people get to select the candidate?”

        These are the people that joined their RD committee and decided to commit their time to participate in politics in their neighborhood. In fact, the 4th RD may have had the biggest turnout of people asking to be members in the entire state. About twice as many people wanted to join the committee than there were seats on the committee. The committee represents the full spectrum of political views, as evidenced by the questions asked of both candidates.

        Is it perfect? Probably not. But it was thoughtfully designed to ensure that the voices of the Democratic party are represented to the extent that those voices want to be engaged. At the end of the day everyone had a chance to get questions answered and to cast a vote. And here comes some newbie with a head full of REV poison without much understanding of the law (available on the state website) or the Democratic Party rules (available on the website) to play critic.

        Meanwhile, in a process that is the epitome of the ACTUAL Delaware Way, the Republicans decide on a candidate in a completely opaque process. CRICKETS from the peanut gallery that spend their time saying both parties are the same.

        • RE Vanella says:

          REV Poison! I love it. Down with new people! Long live the ancients!


          We’re better than reactionary lunatics but no one appreciates us!

          Great arg.

        • moreliberalmoregeek says:

          A few notes:
          1) neither of your quoted items are actual quotes from the commentary piece, so it seems you’ve missed some points
          2) the piece did not complain that the law was not followed, so comments like “know what else is in the law?” are not directly relevant, though I see your point in general
          3) “it has been the same process for special elections for a decade or more.” — doesn’t make it a good process. Maybe it is a good process, or even better than other options; but just because it’s BEEN the process doesn’t mean it’s good.
          4) “The committee represents the full spectrum of political views” — yeah we’re gonna disagree on that one.
          5) “some newbie with a head full of REV poison” — rich of you to assume that the author is incapable of having opinions independent of REV’s dictations. Maybe they have their own life experiences, idk man.
          6) “the Republicans decide on a candidate in a completely opaque process.CRICKETS from the peanut gallery” — yeah someone should sit in on those meetings. Do they have meetings? Maybe they don’t because like you said it’s not the law.

    • Joe Connor says:

      Do you think your comment makes the sham process on Monday look good?

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Yes. That is the official process.

    Yes. It wasn’t a kindergarten farce like the GOP.

    We’re way passed these elementary stipulations. Boring. Unproductive.

  4. jason330 says:

    If you haven’t yet, JOIN YOUR FUCKING RD COMMITTEE!

    • RE Vanella says:

      Ask Jordyn Pusey how easy the old guard make it to participate. Or ask Coby Owens how it is dealing with these entrenched party Zombies. It ain’t open arms my dude.

      Let’s not pretend we just all go and take the RDs. We should try. But this stagnant puddle of hacks is stuck in. Keep your hands up, anyway.

      • jason330 says:

        All due respect to my esteemed comrade,

        Any five like minded people could take over any Democratic RD in the state within a year. 24 months at the very most.

        That they don’t isn’t a result of being stiff armed by the old heads. It is a result of not getting 5 activist on the same page for the year it would take.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Point taken.

          But I think we’re doing ok with allocating our resources.

        • It was at least in part due to Jason’s urging that I sought out a committee spot, as did several others who were new to our committee.

          We installed a progressive chair who is doing a great job. Didn’t hurt that we had Larry Lambert, Sarah McBride, and Kyle Evans Gay as our elected legislators.

        • RD6 says:

          Let me tell you the composite & leadership of RD 6 and who most frequently show up: Chair Joanne Finnigan, Vice Chair Pat Heffernan (previous chair & rep Heffernan’s husband), Treasurer Mr. Finnigan, and Secretary Cheryl Heiks (who seems like a lovely woman but still dedicated to the leaders), Becca Cotto (primarying Rep Heffernan), Mr. Cotto, Mellisa Fromming, Jesse Chatterton (previous ED of the Dem Party & head of the Senate, Sean Finnigan ( until recently head of the House), Tara Finnigan (yes a relation to all the other Finnigan’s), Jamie Rubin, Charlotte Heffernan (the kid of Rep Heff and the vice chair), Senator MRH, and a couple other quiet souls. The RD is full supposedly, the others only show (or would show when a reorg happens or if an election like this were to occur).There was no vote to elect these individuals to the committee and most of the list just phoned in to Previous chair Pat Heffernan. In fact after filling all the seats with previous members the 5 newbies were told there were only 4 spots and so one of them kindly stepped out of the running. 5 activists could not touch this, just saying and this sir is the Delaware Way!

          • jason330 says:

            There had to be some election of officers at some point. It sounds like RD6 might be a tougher nut to crack, but your RD’s insularity is similar to all Dem RDs.

            I don’t see how a multi year plan to break into the leadership couldn’t work.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    The entrenched inbred will always be suspicious of newcomers. Remember folks the carpetbaggers were tge good guys.

  6. jason330 says:

    BTW – Other than DL being namechecked – the part I liked the best was when Bud said he would vote however Pete Schwartzkopf tells him to vote. That made me feel warm all over.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    We just recorded an hour with a revolutionary communist farmer in Wilmington. 100% pure brain poison!

    (Imagine Dave using terms I don’t understand. Picture it, if you can.)

  8. nathan arizona says:

    I’m tempted to listen just to find out more about the “revolutionary communist farmer in Wilmington.”

    • RE Vanella says:

      You should! It’ll be out in a few weeks. Her name is Airiél Peoples. Her father was native Lakota. She was a social worker out west where she’s from who quit to learn subsistence communal farming in the Chile. Now she helps run an urban garden project called Bright Spot Farm through a absolute cornerstone of the community from way back, West End Neighborhood House.

      Next one is a great conversation with Madinah that drops Friday. And I spoke with philosopher and Jacobin columnist Ben Burgis on his new book about Christopher Hitchens. So that’s coming too.

      Consider a patronage. It’s actually very good.

  9. Anon says:

    Do they really look like that screen cap in real life? Looks like the Cantina scene full of freaks in Star Wars.