Delaware Liberal

The Brazen Criminality of Delaware’s “Auditor”

This is fucking nuts.

As reported by WDEL’s DJ McAneny here is the exchange between Trey Paradee and Kathy McGuiness AFTER Paradee pointed out that Park City was trying to shift half-a-million dollars from general funds towards “contractual services”.   (Sen Lawson interjecting some dumb bullshit has been removed by me.)

Paradee: “An interesting thing about 1787 Consulting–it looks like they were incorporated….less than a few months ago…They actually incorporated in July of 2021. And they used a Registered Agent. And so, in other words, the owner of that company is not listed. They have an agent listed that you can contact. And that’s typically done when a company is trying to cover up who actually owns the company, right? But interestingly, we’re able to figure out, through the state checkbook, where those checks, those payments are being made, so we were able to find the address of that company.”

McGuiness: “Okay.”

Paradee: “Okay, so, can you tell me who runs it?”

McGuiness: “Isn’t that, like, an LLC, right?”

Paradee: “Yeah.”

McGuiness: “Yeah.”

Paradee: “No, but somebody owns that LLC.”

McGuiness: “Yeah.”

Paradee: “Can you tell me who that is?”

McGuiness: “Yeah, I have a an employee right now that–a current employee that owns that.”

Paradee: “And I believe that employee is seated behind you?”

McGuiness: “Mm hmm.”

Paradee: “I have a hard time understanding why your office, who has someone on the payroll as an employee of your office, is then sending another almost $10,000 in compensation to that employee.”

Jesus fucking christ! Do you think she was trying to shift that money from the General fund to a slush fund to pay her employee/consultant? I wonder….

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