Don’t Be a Wanker

Filed in National by on February 10, 2022

If you aren’t fucking joining your fucking RD committee, or working for a fucking candidate you believe in, or all your activism takes place in the comments section of some dumb blog, you are just wanking.

WFP is hosting a training on how to run a grassroots campaign this Saturday: Every day, our political system seems less and less responsive to the needs of working people. One of the best way to break through the frustrations of politics is to join a local campaign.

Join our “How to Run a Grassroots Campaign” training to learn:

  • Why grassroots campaigns are important if you want to make change
  • What the different parts of a campaign are
  • How you can get involved in helping a grassroots campaign

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (33)

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  1. puck says:

    Also, it has been made difficult to find reliable contact info or officer lists for local RDs.

  2. AQC says:

    In my experience, some RD committees are not very open to newcomers. When I lived in the 4th, that was definitely the case.

  3. Andrew C says:

    But what if I like wanking?

  4. RE Vanella says:

    This mf said y’all are in bed with pistol pete. Superb. Ted, come on the podcast

  5. RE Vanella says:

    The zombie RD really did want to install Bud without all this public criticism. You can tell they’re bush league political nobodies too. Because they got what they wanted and are still very grumpy and defensive. Great job, everyone.

    Jim… little advise. Just be quiet now.

    • Jim Hussey says:

      I’ve been a part of the democratic process longer than most of you have been alive. Do a little more listening and a lot less talking.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Ossified old Boomer proud to have carried the same water all these long years.

        That’s why everyone’s critical dummy. Are you this fucking dense?

        By the way, I’m from here, nearly 50, and I think you suck.

        • Jim Hussey says:

          Unbelievable. No good deed goes unpunished. You guys are unhappy no matter what. The 4th would have gone red years ago without putting in real work, not hanging out on a blog all day every day with the same 6 people. Get a haircut, dope smokers.

          • You’re painting with too broad a brush. Especially with the reactionary 1960’s rhetoric: ‘Get a haircut, ya dope smokers.’ Were you a Mayor Daley fan back in the day? You like your cops with billy clubs?

            BTW, although there could be a first time for everything, the notion of Gerald Brady schooling anybody is, um, fanciful.

            If we had the small number of viewers/commenters that you suggest, we would have folded this enterprise some time ago.

            Even I’m surprised at how many individual views we get. I think we do as good a job of covering Delaware politics and the General Assembly as anybody. At no cost to you.

          • puck says:

            I could use a haircut.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    lol. This guy’s living permanently in ’69. Hey, dumb ass. The district is red now. How did Purzycki win exactly?

    Good riddance to my RD. It sucked anyway.

    The funny thing is I’m 47 and the youngest guy on here. This guy’s calling you all hippies! I do smoke tons of weed tho.

    • Andrew C says:

      I’m 38 and I smoke no weed. Us youngins are all about pills now.

    • Claymonster says:

      “The district is red now. How did Purzycki win exactly?”

      This seems self-defeating. If this district is red then it makes sense to run someone with some existing moderate credentials, especially if its just to keep a seat blue for less than a full term with a special election. Its not my district, but based on your interview Dr. Bohm has some good ideas. I’d rather see her run when she can be uncontested in the general. I know Anthony Delcollo’s name was initially floated as an R challenger, and he knows how to walk the line just like Mayor Mike. A Bohm/Delcollo race would be tight and could ultimately hurt her prospects in the long run.

  7. Joe Connor says:

    ’69 was an amazing year. I spent the summer surfing and tripping and went to the Atlantic City Rock Festival (Look up the line up). I was with half a million of my friend on the Elipse on November 15 telling Nixon to F’ off.
    I went on to be the Labor guy in DE for McGovern working out of multiple union Halls including IBEW 313. I’m guessing the other dude had a different experience:)