DL Open Thread Monday February 14 2022 – Guess the Flag

Filed in National by on February 14, 2022

Happy Valentines Day! Enjoy your S&M thruples, or whatever.

Groovy Baby!

The science of Mascot Matchups ™ deals with probabilities. It isn’t perfect. It hasn’t “solved” the NFL in the same way IBM’s Deep Blue has solved chess, or the way the GOP has “solved” politics in America.

The trucks protests in Ottawa are two parallel protests. One has very dark goals and is hiding in the shadow of the other.

Still, each call I made went similarly: the police are very much aware of the site, and they are very worried about the presence of a hard-right-wing, organized faction that isn’t there to protest mandates and vaccine passports, but to directly create conflict with the government. This hard-right element probably includes some non-Canadians, here for the party. The broader complaints of the protesters are a cover for the group seeking open conflict. Most of the convoy protesters aren’t part of this smaller, nastier group, nor linked to it in any overt way. Many of them will think any concern about it at all is just some MSM lamestream media conspiracy.

My government and security sources do not agree. What’s happening in Ottawa, they were clear, is two separate events happening in tandem: there is a broadly non-violent (to date) group of Canadians with assorted COVID-related gripes, ranging from the somewhat justified to totally frickin’ insane. But that larger group, which has knocked Ottawa and too many of our leaders into what my colleague Jen Gerson so perfectly described as “stun-fucked stasis,” is now providing a kind of (mostly) unwitting cover to a cadre of seasoned street brawlers whose primary goal is to further erode the legitimacy of the state — not just the city of Ottawa, or Ontario or Canada, but of democracies generally.

Some of them are ideologues, others just grifters, but they’re real, and they’re in Ottawa. Maybe not in that parking lot. I certainly didn’t get the chance to take any names. But local officials know they’re out and about, and are worried that any move they make will trigger an incident that can easily result in dead cops, dead truckers and delighted far-right agitators.

What flag is this?  No cheating.

Sun in splendour

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Flag’s easy. At first glance you might think it’s Argentina. Big country. But the sun in the Argentina flag is in the middle. What country near there has the same national colors of blue and white….


    • Jason330 says:

      Yup. The sun with a face is common in heraldry. In this case the sun broke through the clouds when independence was declared on May 25, 1810. Inspired by the Latin American wars of independence, the Philippines which was a fellow former Spanish colony also adopted the Sun of May as a revolutionary banner.

      • RE Vanella says:

        We love revolutionary governments in the Americas, don’t we folks? More and more people are saying Simón Bolívar is doing great things.

  2. SussexWatcher says:

    Anyone know if the dept of elections finally picked a Sussex deputy director today? Meeting was at 4. https://publicmeetings.delaware.gov/Document/71407_Agenda.pdf