Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 11-17, 2022

1.  It’s Progress Vs. Delaware Way In RD 32. I should have known that the Chamber Of Commerce wasn’t gonna give up this seat w/o a fight.  Andria Bennett has been one of the Chamber’s most dependable allies in Dover, going so far as to quote Chamber talking points on the floor.  Her (eventual) retirement paved the way for Kerri Evelyn Harris to seek the seat.  Another ‘D’ has joined the fray, and he’s right out of Chamber central casting.  Philip McGinnis is a commercial realtor who has railed against Biden moves to eliminate a lucrative tax break for commercial developers:

As every state in the nation – Delaware especially – begins to creep toward economic rebound, commercial real estate must again play an essential role in our recovery. But the Biden plan to eliminate the deferral of taxes on property gains over $500,000 from like-kind exchanges, granted under Internal Revenue Code Section 1031, will cripple commercial redevelopment at a time when our communities need that investment more than ever.

In other words, you already know whose side he’ll be on if he makes it to Dover.  McGinnis is the managing broker of McGinnis Commercial Real Estate Company and former chair of the Delaware Council on Real Estate Appraisers.  Does he sound like a real Democrat to you? Me neither.  Which reminds me, wanna contribute to Kerri?  You can do it right here.

2. R Files For Kowalko’s Seat.  I suppose that, with the right challenger, an R might have an outside shot.  Lynn Frances Mey is not that challenger.  She is a Board member of Delaware Right To Life.  In other words, not exactly the ideal profile for someone running in the Newark area. She is a Global Supply Manager with DuPont.

3.  Martin Willis Files For Bentz Seat.  He had previously announced once David Bentz had said he would retire at the end of this term.  He is a union boilermaker who has pushed for racial equity in the construction trades.

4. Kelly Williams Maresca Files Against Madinah. R-turned-D.  Sore loser John Viola maxed out to her. She calls herself a ‘social entepreneur’, and has a high opinion of herself:

I would love to leverage my 15 years of unmatched experience and extraordinary success in business, social entrepreneurship, and government service to produce tangible results to benefit constituents while prioritizing “First State 1st”.

According to her:

I am regarded as a resourceful community leader and a catalyst for social change.

Sounds like she’d fit right in with the Self-Adoration Caucus.

Wanna be a catalyst for helping Madinah?  You can do so right here.

5. Filings.  Rep. Debra Heffernan (D-6th RD); she will be facing progressive Becca Cotto in a primary.  Rep. John ‘Larry’ Mitchell (D-RD 13); as a member of leadership, a member of the Kop Kabal, and as one of the most vulnerable D incumbents, he absolutely must face a primary challenger.  Incumbent D NCC Sheriff Scott Phillips.  Incumbent D Recorder Of Deeds Mike Kozikowski. Libertarian William McVay For Kent County Sheriff.  Isn’t ‘libertarian sheriff’ the very definition of a do-nothing public official?

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss and whaddayathink?

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