Delaware Liberal

Peter C. Schwartzkopf thinks Kerri Evelyn Harris Needs to Learn Her Place

The Dems “leadership’s”  treatment of Harris is shocking.

Today’s “Delaware Political Weekly”  is infuriating.   The Dem “leadership” continues to be racist as fuck.

Kerri Evelyn Harris is the kindest, most empathetic, person in Delaware politics.  She believes in a  “bipartisanship” that seeks to break down phony party divisions used by the powerful to exploit people of all races and creeds.  In short, her genuine bipartisanship that would give Coons the vapors.

She has strong campaign experience and should have quickly been accepted by the Dem “leadership” but instead we see them supporting Kerri’s primary opponent – a  ‘centrist D’ (until recently a Republican) created by the Chamber of Commerce.

As El Som pointed out, there can be only one explanation for the Dem “Leadership” to engage in such transparent perfidy.  The Cops in charge are worried.

Ed Note:  I toned down the headline for clarity.

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