DL Open Thread: Friday, March 4, 2022

Filed in National by on March 4, 2022

Former Producer For Sean Hannity Arrested For Helping Russian Oligarch.  For setting up a Russian propaganda network.  When the history of democracy’s demise is accurately written, the creation of Fox News will play an outsized role.

Oh No! Jumbo Bacteria!  And there’s–let’s just say it musically:


We’re doomed.  I–can’t go on. I–must go on.

More Rethug Senate Recruitment Failures.  There. Feel better already.

Will The Humanity Of Ordinary Russian Soldiers Save Ukraine?  Most likely wishful thinking. But still–:

Military strategists know that battles are not solely decided by the resources, capabilities, or size of an army. There is also a critical human factor: The will to fight. Do the soldiers have a clear sense of the war’s purpose? Do they believe in their commanders? In their government? Do they feel the support of public opinion back home? In short, do they have a moral justification for the use of violence that war inevitably entails, especially when that violence is against civilians?

But it appears to be different on the Russian side. Indeed, what has been noteworthy about this war so far has been the confusion and ambivalence among Russian soldiers, especially in their encounters with Ukrainian civilians. A key factor in understanding how Ukraine is still standing, then, is military morale, and especially the morale of the Russian army. Do they understand what they are fighting for? How long will they be willing to follow orders?
What is becoming clear as the war in Ukraine unfolds is that the ideological ground Russia has laid for it is fragile. Russian soldiers have not been prepared for this conflict either militarily or morally. Videos of captured Russian soldiers show young men, often recent conscripts, who seem, more than anything, confused. In some cases, they say their commanders did not even tell them they were going to war. They thought they were being sent to do training exercises.
Tech Companies (Finally) Going After Russian Misinformation.  Meaning, I guess, a war in their eyes is of greater import than a stolen election.
Three Massage Parlors Shut Down By Delaware Human Trafficking Unit.  Good.  We’re not talking about victimless crimes here.  We’re talking about victims of human trafficking.  I’m thrilled to see that the laws the General Assembly passed back in 2014 are finally being enforced.
What do you want to talk about?

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  1. mediawatch says:

    Given the seeming evidence of Putin’s miscalculations thus far, it’s not a stretch to believe that at least a portion of Russia’s military leadership actually considered the Ukraine invasion as little more than a training exercise.

    Meanwhile, the sanctions are widening: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/03/russia-cat-ban-ukraine-war/

  2. Andrew C says:

    Sarah McBride working hard in Sussex for her bill: https://www.delawareindependent.com/significant-voting-district-changes-in-sussex-county-other-news/ (scroll down a bit)