Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sunday, March 6, 2022

Bud Wins. So Do Guinness And Harp’s.  2210 to 1015.  IMO, that’s an excellent turnout for a Special Election.  Registration is destiny:

“This wasn’t something I went looking for,” Freel said. “I was approached and asked to run, and I did.  (He could have always said ‘no’.)  I’m just anxious to go down to Dover and get up to speed on legislation that’s pending that could be coming up for a vote, some even this week. My main focus right now will be to listen and to educate myself on current issues.”

Mastercard & Visa Suspend Operations In Russia:

Both companies cited Russia’s devastating military attack on Ukraine and its civilians as the reason behind the decisions.

“We are compelled to act following Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, and the unacceptable events that we have witnessed,” Al Kelly, chairman and chief executive officer of Visa, said in a statement.

He added: “We regret the impact this will have on our valued colleagues, and on the clients, partners, merchants and cardholders we serve in Russia. This war and the ongoing threat to peace and stability demand we respond in line with our values.”

Putin As The ‘Key To White Survival’: He’s a strongman who hates the libs:

Devin Burghart, executive director of Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights, said: “In the world of the white nationalists, you are seeing a lot of support for Putin, as expressed by the cheerleading at AFPAC over the weekend.”

Others agree, pointing to a shared socially and culturally conservative ideology, disdain for democratic systems and appreciation for a “strong man” form of government. There was also the fact that it was the current Ukrainian government whom Trump attempted – and failed – to bribe to investigate his political rival Biden: actions which led to his first impeachment.

This represents a disorienting shift for a Republican party once staunchly opposed to communism and the Soviet Union, which President Ronald Reagan dubbed “the evil empire”. But Trump, who in 2015 ran for president promising to build a wall and impose a Muslim ban, stoked the party’s nativist elements.

Researchers who monitor far-right groups agree that the moment of Putin enthusiasm in the US has intellectual underpinnings with deeper roots. Burghart said: “For almost a decade the work of Russian fascist Alexander Dugin has found a home in American white nationalist circles.”

Dugin’s ideology is steeped in Russian Christian nationalism and has chimed with Putin’s world view. At the same time, it echoes much of the Christian nationalist activism in the US, where liberal values, gay rights and a desire to keep religion out of the state, are seen as decadent and responsible for American decline.

Well worth reading the entire article.  Know thine enemies.

DeSantis Vs. Florida Rethug Legislature.  Gerrymandered redistricting maps not gerrymandered enough for DeSantis.  He’s alienating a lot of R’s on a lot of issues there.  We might want to slow down the Inevitability Train for awhile…

Putin And Captain Ahab: Kindred Spirits?  Interesting analogy:

Ahab’s story is fairly linear. His leg was taken by the Great White Whale Moby Dick. Out of spite, he had that leg replaced with a whalebone. When opportunity arose to chase down his nemesis, he became reckless in a fanatical mission. He felt his reckoning was righteous, even as his vessel and most of his crew spiraled into the dark water.

Captain Ahab has a personal vendetta. In pursuing it, Melville clearly depicted the captain as paranoid, anti-social, narcissistic and obsessive-compulsive. He cared little for the destruction that his revenge caused. He was the apotheosis of a monomaniacal, 19th century man.

Vladimir Putin is similarly bound. Ukraine has not bowed to his influence, and it has resisted his savage military assault. It insists on independence, promotes its own unique culture, aligns with Europe, and petitions for European Union and NATO membership. Putin’s oligarchic disposition shrieks — not whispers — in his ear every night that Ukraine is part of Russia’s birthright, and that if he doesn’t recover it, he is a failure to all who have sat on his throne, because a throne it is.

Delaware State Senate To Consider Medical And Family Leave Tuesday.  You can check out the latest version of the bill here.  Not a single R on the bill. Will they all vote against paid medical and family leave?

What do you want to talk about?

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