Delaware Liberal

DLOpen Thread Monday March 7th 2022

Let me ask you, the smartest political observers in Delaware, other than Paul Baumbach’s “Death with Dignity” legislation, Sarah McBride’s “Paid Family Leave” and Senator Pinkney’s SB149 to amend LEOBOR – are any elected Dems trying to actually get anything done?

I only ask because it doesn’t seem like anybody has a burning desire to do anything productive.  Rather it seems like you get elected in Delaware to fuck around, carry water for the chamber of commerce and play grab-ass all day.   I mean, am I missing something?  Whatever happened to signature accomplishments ?  Whatever happened to even trying to have a signature accomplishment?

Speaking of Do Nothing Delaware Dems…

Meet the Delaware Dems seeking the sober middle ground between police free to commit murder whenever being around a black person makes them nervous, and police not being free to commit murder whenever being around a black person makes them nervous.

As for me, I’ll take the “radical” position that police should not be allowed to get away with murder.

Fuck this guy

Senate Democrats are feeling exasperated with Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) latest proposal on a scaled-down version of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda that would leave out big social spending initiatives like expanded child care, universal pre-kindergarten, national paid family leave and long-term home health care.   

Manchin is proposing that his colleagues choose one 10-year program to focus on and devote the other half of revenues raised from tax reform and prescription drug reform to deficit reduction and fighting inflation.

He is suggesting limiting new spending to climate programs instead of an array of social spending initiatives that he says would likely get baked into the federal budget baseline for years to come.

Manchin says the country has to “get its fiscal house in order” before embarking on new grand spending plans.

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